Ten years ago, Michael Neary and I wrote a paper for the British Sociological Association Annual Conference 2000 called The Speed of Life: The significance of Karl Marx’s concept of socially necessary labour time. The paper was selected by the BSA’s Publications Committee for inclusion in the annual ‘book of the conference’ for 2000.
We revised and edited our paper, and it came out as Time and Speed in the Social Universe of Capital, in Social Conceptions of Time: Structure and Process in Work and Everyday Life, edited by Graham Crow and Sue Heath (Palgrave Macmillan, 2002).
See Amazon.co.uk: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Social-Conceptions-Time-Explorations-Sociological/dp/0333984994/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1292087985&sr=1-1
Amazon.com: http://www.amazon.com/Social-Conceptions-Time-Structure-Everyday/dp/0333984994/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1292088141&sr=1-1
In addition, our original paper was also put out on The Flow of Ideas website on 13th May 2006. It is in two parts.
Recently, the journal Principia Dialectica has alerted folks to our original paper at The Flow of Ideas on their blog. The relevant post is called ‘Marx, Einstein, Postone...’ and was posted to the Principia Dialectica blog on 1st December 2010. This has led to a lot of traffic going to the original paper posted to The Flow of Ideas in 2006. However, the link provided there does not work, so people have been coming to the paper by other means (including a general link given for The Flow of Ideas in the Principia Dialectica blog’s ‘Links’ section).
Thus, to make it easier for people to get to our original paper I have included the working link (and full reference) here, as:
Neary, M. & Rikowski, G. (2000) The Speed of Life: The significance of Karl Marx's concept of socially necessary labour-time, a paper presented at the British Sociological Association Annual Conference 2000, 'Making Time - Marking Time', University of York, 17 -20 April, online at: http://www.flowideas.co.uk/?page=articles&sub=Speed%20of%20Life%20-%20Part%20One
The Principia Dialectica blog home page is at: http://www.principiadialectica.co.uk/blog/
The page with their blog about our paper, ‘Marx, Einstein and Postone...’ is at: http://www.principiadialectica.co.uk/blog/?author=1&paged=2
Glenn Rikowski
The Flow of Ideas: http://www.flowideas.co.uk
All that is Solid for Glenn Rikowski: http://rikowski.wordpress.com
Ten years ago, Michael Neary and I wrote a paper for the British Sociological Association Annual Conference 2000 called The Speed of Life: The significance of Karl Marx’s concept of socially necessary labour time. The paper was selected by the BSA’s Publications Committee for inclusion in the annual ‘book of the conference’ for 2000.
We revised and edited our paper, and it came out as Time and Speed in the Social Universe of Capital, in Social Conceptions of Time: Structure and Process in Work and Everyday Life, edited by Graham Crow and Sue Heath (Palgrave Macmillan, 2002).
See Amazon.co.uk: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Social-Conceptions-Time-Explorations-Sociological/dp/0333984994/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1292087985&sr=1-1
Amazon.com: http://www.amazon.com/Social-Conceptions-Time-Structure-Everyday/dp/0333984994/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1292088141&sr=1-1
In addition, our original paper was also put out on The Flow of Ideas website on 13th May 2006. It is in two parts.
Recently, the journal Principia Dialectica has alerted folks to our original paper at The Flow of Ideas on their blog. The relevant post is called ‘Marx, Einstein, Postone...’ and was posted to the Principia Dialectica blog on 1st December 2010. This has led to a lot of traffic going to the original paper posted to The Flow of Ideas in 2006. However, the link provided there does not work, so people have been coming to the paper by other means (including a general link given for The Flow of Ideas in the Principia Dialectica blog’s ‘Links’ section).
Thus, to make it easier for people to get to our original paper I have included the working link (and full reference) here, as:
Neary, M. & Rikowski, G. (2000) The Speed of Life: The significance of Karl Marx's concept of socially necessary labour-time, a paper presented at the British Sociological Association Annual Conference 2000, 'Making Time - Marking Time', University of York, 17 -20 April, online at: http://www.flowideas.co.uk/?page=articles&sub=Speed%20of%20Life%20-%20Part%20One
The Principia Dialectica blog home page is at: http://www.principiadialectica.co.uk/blog/
The page with their blog about our paper, ‘Marx, Einstein and Postone...’ is at: http://www.principiadialectica.co.uk/blog/?author=1&paged=2
Glenn Rikowski
The Flow of Ideas: http://www.flowideas.co.uk
All that is Solid for Glenn Rikowski: http://rikowski.wordpress.com