Saturday, December 5, 2020

The Psychology of Capital



This is my latest article, published in New Understanding of Capital in the 21st Century, edited by Vesna Stanković Pejnović and Ivan Matić, and published by the Institute for Political Studies, Belgrade, December 2020.



There is an antagonistic dynamic within the human in contemporary society: the struggle of labour and capital, the capital relation, is within us. This is the psychology of capital, which also entails that the class struggle – as the capital relation – also runs through us and fractures and divides our personhoods. It is argued that this monstrous psychology must be dissolved within capital: there is no outside or beyond to appeal to. We must side against ourselves as currently constituted. This can be achieved through forming and strengthening alternatives within and alien to capital, in collective and communising practices, and intellectual attacks. The argument has significant consequences for class and freedom in the project of leaving capital behind.

Keywords: capital, psychology, class, freedom, dissolution, alternatives, communisation

It is now available at ResearchGate and Academia:

The Psychology of Capital @ ResearchGate:

The Psychology of Capital @ Academia:


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Monday, November 16, 2020




I have an article, Crisis, forthcoming in the following book:


London, 16th November 2020


Critical Reflections on the Language of Neoliberalism in Education: Dangerous Words and Discourses of Possibility


Edited By 

Spyros Themelis


ISBN 9780367629564

December 29, 2020 Forthcoming by Routledge

252 Pages


Book Description

Recognizing the dominance of neoliberal forces in education, this volume offers a range of critical essays which analyze the language used to underpin these dynamics.

Combining essays from over 20 internationally renowned contributors, this text offers a critical examination of key terms which have become increasingly central to educational discourse. Each essay considers the etymological foundation of each term, the context in which they have evolved, and likewise their changed meaning. In doing so, these essays illustrate the transformative potential of language to express or challenge political, social, and economic ideologies. The text’s musings on the language of education and its implications for the current and future role of education in society make clear its relevance to today’s cultural and political landscape.

This exploratory monograph will be of interest to doctoral students, researchers, and scholars with an interest in the philosophy of education, educational policy and politics, as well as the sociology of education and the impacts of neoliberalism.



Part I. Endangering words

[1]. Crisis

Glenn Rikowski


[2]. Neoliberal globalization

Spyros Themelis


[3]. Social value

Ewen Speed


[4]. Alienation

Inny Accioly


[5]. Hegemony

Alpesh Maisuria


[6]. Immiseration

Richard Hall


[7] Commodity

Joss Winn


[8]. Social mobility

Spyros Themelis


[9].Social Inclusion

Angela Cator


[10]. Markets

Dionysios Gouvias


[11].League tables and Targets

Patrick Yarker


[12]. Managerialism

Richard Hall


[13]. Employability

Tom G. Griffiths and Bill Robertson


[14] Ability

Patrick Yarker



Part II. Words of possibility


[15]. Essence

Grant Banfield


[16]. Reflexivity

Elisabeth Simburger


[17]. Utopia

Tom G. Griffiths and Jo Williams


[18]. Hope

Hasan Hüseyin Aksoy


[19]. Social movements

Laurence Cox


[20]. Revolutionary Pedagogy

Peter McLaren


[21]. Alternative education

Richard Hall


[22]. Youth

Sandra Gadelha and Claudiana Alencar


[23]. Educators

Maria Chalari and Eleftheria Atta


[24]. School

José Ernandi Mendes


[25]. Post-Critical Education

Juan Ramón Rodríguez Fernández


[26]. Educational Commons

Yannis Pechtelidis


[27]. Socialism

Dave Hill


Conclusion: Stammering

Mike Neary


Spyros Themelis is Associate Professor in the School of Education and Lifelong Learning, University of East Anglia (UEA), UK.

See details at Routledge:

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Wednesday, October 14, 2020





 Alisson Slider do Nascimento de Paula

Frederico Jorge Ferreira Costa

Kátia Regina Rodrigues Lima

Karla Raphaella Costa Pereira



1ª edição


Marília – 2020


ISBN 978-65-86620-27-6


Agercicleiton Coelho Guerra

Alisson Slider do Nascimento de Paula

Ana Carolina Galvão

Antônia Rozimar Machado e Rocha

Antonio Marcondes dos Santos Pereira

Bruno Gawryszewski

Camila Kipper Putzke

Carina Alves da Silva Darcoleto

Dave Hill

Emmanoel Lima Ferreira

Frederico Jorge Ferreira Costa

Glenn Rikowski

Ivan dos Santos Oliveira

José Carlos Rothen

Karla Raphaella Costa Pereira

Kátia Regina Rodrigues Lima

Marcela Figueira Ferreira

Pauliane Gonçalves Moraes

Simone de Fátima Flach

Vânia Cardoso da Motta





Geografia crítica, pedagogia histórico-crítica e o currículo escolar de geografia .....................................13

Pauliane Gonçalves Moraes

Ana Carolina Galvão


A expansão especulativa parasitária do capital na educação: o aprofundamento da tendência à mercoaprendizagem ...................................................43

Alisson Slider do Nascimento de Paula

Kátia Regina Rodrigues Lima

Emmanoel Lima Ferreira


Elementos para a compreensão da defesa da escola pública no contexto do capitalismo periférico brasileiro ..................................................................................69

Frederico Jorge Ferreira Costa


O complexo da educação nos ensaios de Lukács: Makarenko, Goethe, Lenin e Keller .............................97

Karla Raphaella Costa Pereira


Projetos educacionais em disputa e o papel da avaliação enquanto possibilidade de emancipação ...................125

Ivan dos Santos Oliveira

José Carlos Rothen


Educação e tragédia do trabalho................................151

Glenn Rikowski


Os bons, os maus e os feios: coronavírus, capitalismo e socialismo: uma resposta marxista ...........................185

Dave Hill


Relações entre ideologia e fascismo: a destruição dos princípios educacionais no Brasil ..............................213

Carina Alves da Silva Darcoleto

Simone de Fátima Flach


O trabalho como o ponto de partida da socialização do ser social e suas determinações constitutivas: uma introdução................................................................239

Antonio Marcondes dos Santos Pereira


A universidade pública no atual contexto de contrarre-forma do estado brasileiro: Future-se e o desmonte da ciência a serviço do mercado......................................269

Agercicleiton Coelho Guerra

Antônia Rozimar Machado e Rocha

Marcela Figueira Ferreira


Vida e morte da ampliação da jornada escolar nos programas Mais Educação: mais do quê?...................303

Bruno Gawryszewski

Camila Kipper Putzke

Vânia Cardoso da Motta


Sobre os autores .......................................................341



Posted here by Glenn Rikowski

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Thursday, August 6, 2020

Education and the Tragedy of Labour




 Glenn Rikowski


This Draft paper of mine, Education and the Tragedy of Labour – completed on 25th June 2020 – can now be found at Academia, in the ‘Drafts & Pre-prints’ section, at:


The argument of this paper is that, insofar as education is tied to the social production of labour-power in capitalism, or is infused with the business takeover of education, then, by default, it is in a tragic condition. This argument is pursued in conjunction with an exploration of some aspects of the literature on tragedy. The tragedy of labour results from the opposition between labouring for value production and capital's profit system, and labouring for ourselves - individually and collectively - for human desires, needs and enhancement. Radical alternatives are required for the latter, otherwise education is doomed to be tied to capital's prerogatives. 


Glenn Rikowski at ResearchGate:

Glenn Rikowski at Academia:

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Marxist Transhumanism or Transhumanist Marxism?



For a Special Issue of: New Proposals: Journal of Marxism and Interdisciplinary Inquiry 

Guest editors: James Steinhoff and Atle Mikkola Kjøsen

In this special issue call, New Proposals asks authors to explore how Marxism and Transhumanism might be brought into conjunction. Could there be a transhumanist Marxism or a Marxist transhumanism? 
Transhumanism is defined by its proponents as an “intellectual and cultural movement that affirms the possibility and desirability of fundamentally improving the human condition through applied reason, especially by developing and making widely available technologies to eliminate aging and to greatly enhance human intellectual, physical, and psychological capacities” (Humanity+ n.d.). While this description says nothing about politics, transhumanism has been deeply pro-capital due to its popularization in the 1990s via techno-libertarian “extropianism” (More 1990). Because of this, the promethean project of improving the human condition by technological means tends to be joined with, and confused for, capital accumulation. Some of the most radical transhumanist thinkers have tended to assume to continued functioning of capital amid cataclysmic socio-technological change. For example, although transhumanist luminary Ray Kurzweil argues that the coming technological singularity (the moment when machines exceed human capacities in all respects) will irreversibly transform every aspect of human life, and even “death itself,” he still expects there to be a need for “business models” (2005, 7). Today, transhumanism is tacitly represented in the operations of venture capitalists and the giant tech capitals. DeepMind, acquired by Google in 2014, seeks to “solve intelligence” by creating AI with generalized learning abilities and Elon Musk’s Neuralink aims to provide a seamless machine connection to the human brain. 

However, transhumanism is not inherently incompatible with Marxist thought and communism. While transhumanism today appears to be a capitalist project, its historical lineage can be traced back to early twentieth century socialist thinkers such as Alexander Bogdanov, J. B. S Haldane, and J. D. Bernal (Bostrom 2005; Stambler 2010; Hughes 2012). Marx himself has many, what we might call “high modernist” moments in which he argues for overcoming human and natural limits, and advocates the socialized use of technology to achieve freedom from necessity for all humans. This high modernist Marx can be read as expressing a transhumanist impulse toward technologically augmenting the human condition (Steinhoff 2014). With a few exceptions (Armesilla Conde 2018), Marxists have shown little interest in transhumanism, other than as an object of critique (Rechtenwald 2013; Noonan 2016). One exception to this are the left accelerationists/postcapitalism theorists, who draw on transhumanist motifs, such as cyborg augmentation, terraforming and full automation (Srnicek and Williams 2015; Mason 2016; Bastani 2019). Left accelerationism has, however, picked up transhumanist motifs while dropping the capital/labour antagonism central to Marxist thought, glossing over much of the difficult question of how exactly capital is supposed to come to an end. We suggest that left accelerationism forgets its Marxist roots as it is blinded by transhumanist futures. 

We argue that the issues central to transhumanism should not be the purview solely of representatives of capital like Elon Musk and Peter Thiel, nor of the left accelerationists. Instead, Marxist thought should seriously engage with transhumanism in order to “decouple it from its blindly capitalist trajectory, reflect on Marx’s own high modernist tendencies, and delineate a social project to embrace or escape” (Dyer-Witheford, Kjosen & Steinhoff, 2019, 161). Therefore we ask how a Marxist transhumanism or a transhumanist Marxism might be possible.

For this special issue of New Proposals: Journal of Marxism and Interdisciplinary Inquiry we are interested in contributions that engage transhumanism and Marxism with one another. We are not interested in Marxist dismissals of transhumanism. That is not to say that we do not welcome Marxist critiques of transhumanism. We are, however, seeking critiques which take at least some elements of the theory and/or practice of transhumanism seriously from within a Marxist framework. 

Possible topics include:

  • Syntheses of transhumanism and Marxism
  • Transhumanism and value theory (e.g. engagement with core concepts like social form, labour-power, the working day, surplus-value etc.) 
  • Critically engaging with and/or embracing the high modernist moments in Marx’s thought 
  • Staking out a communist approach to transhumanism and/or the singularity (e.g. a communist version of Kurzweil’s intelligence explosion) 
  • Engaging with the transhumanist kernel in left-accelerationist thought from a Marxist perspective
  • Engaging with transhumanist projects or technologies from a Marxist perspective (e.g. radical life extension, terraforming, morphological freedom, space exploration, genetic modification, nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, intelligence augmentation, brain emulation)
  • Connecting transhumanism to the history of Marxist thought and socialist societies (e.g. Soviet space endeavours, central planning)

Please send abstracts of no more than 500 words in length, plus a short biography, to Dr. James Steinhoff ( and Dr. Atle Mikkola Kjøsen ( by February 29th, 2020. Please put “New Proposals special issue” in the subject line. Notifications of acceptance will be sent out by March 31st, 2020. Full-length papers are 5,000 - 10,000 words.

29 February - deadline for submitting abstract and biography.
31 March - notifications of acceptance
1 August - deadline for submission of full-length (5,000 to 10,000 words) paper for peer review
15 November - submission of final revised paper
Early 2021 - papers published.
Please note that acceptance of an abstract does not guarantee publication. All submissions will be peer reviewed once papers are submitted.


Armesilla Conde, Santiago Javier. 2018. Is a Marxist Transhumanism possible? Eikasía – Revista de Filosofía 82, 47-86.
Bastani, Aaron. 2019. Fully automated luxury communism. Verso Books.

Bostrom, Nick. 2005. “A history of transhumanist thought”. Journal of Evolution & Technology 14:1.

Dyer-Witheford, Nick, Kjosen, Atle Mikkola and Steinhoff, James. 2019. Inhuman Power: Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Capitalism. London: Pluto Press.

Hughes, James J. 2012. “The Politics of Transhumanism and the Techno‐Millennial Imagination, 1626–2030”. Zygon 47:4, 757-776.

Humanity+. n.d.. “What is transhumanism?”

Kurzweil, Ray. 2005. The Singularity is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology. Penguin. 

Mason, Paul. 2016. Postcapitalism: A guide to our future. Macmillan.

More, Max. 1990. “Transhumanism: Towards a futurist philosophy.” Extropy 6:6, 11.

Noonan, Jeff. 2016. “The Debate on Immortality: Posthumanist Science vs. Critical Philosophy”. The European Legacy 21:1, 38-51.

Rechtanwald, Michael. 2013. “The Singularity and Socialism.” Insurgent Notes.

Srnicek, Nick, and Alex Williams. 2015. Inventing the future: Postcapitalism and a world without work. Verso Books.

Stambler, Ilia. 2010. “Life extension – a conservative enterprise? Some fin-de-siècle and early twentieth-century precursors of transhumanism. '' Journal of Evolution & Technology 21:1, 13-26.

Steinhoff, James. 2014. “Transhumanism and Marxism: Philosophical Connections”. Journal of Evolution & Technology 24:2, 1-16.

New Proposals : Journal of Marxism and Interdisciplinary Inquiry represents an attempt to explore issues, ideas, and problems that lie at the intersection between the academic disciplines of social science and the body of thought and political practice that has constituted Marxism over the last 150 years. New Proposals is a journal of Marxism and interdisciplinary Inquiry that is dedicated to the radical transformation of the contemporary world order. We see our role as providing a platform for research, commentary, and debate of the highest scholarly quality that contributes to the struggle to create a more just and humane world, in which the systematic and continuous exploitation, oppression, and fratricidal struggles that characterize the contemporary sociopolitical order no longer exist.

New Proposals is a fully open access journal. We do not charge publication or user fees as a condition of publication. However, if your institution provides funding to support open access publications we ask authors of accepted papers to apply for open access funding support from their institution. For authors at open access funded institutions the production fee is $350 for articles. There are no production fees for student feature articles, or for book reviews, commentaries or reflections of 5,000 words or less. If you have any questions please contact us. We fundamentally support the principles of full open access in academic publishing. It does cost money to do this, even as we rely upon a lot of good will, volunteer labour, and self-exploitation to get the publication out the door. Any support or assistance is always appreciated!

Special issue editors:

Dr. James Steinhoff is a UW Data Science Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Washington. He researches the artificial intelligence industry, data science labour, Marxist theory and automation. He is author of the forthcoming book Automation and Autonomy: Labour, Capital and Machines in the Artificial Intelligence Industry (Palgrave Macmillan, 2021) and co-author of Inhuman Power: Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Capitalism (Pluto Press 2019). .

Dr. Atle Mikkola Kjøsen is an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Information and Media Studies at the University of Western Ontario. He researches Marxist value theory, media theory, logistics, artificial intelligence, androids, and post-singularity capitalism. With Nick Dyer-Witheford and James Steinhoff, he is co-author of Inhuman Power: Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Capitalism (Pluto Press 2019).  

Relevant Papers on Marxism and Transhumanism by Glenn Rikowski:

Marxist Education Across the Generations: a Dialogue on Education, Time and Transhumanism (with Derek Ford) (2019)

Capitorg: Education and the Constitution of the Human in Contemporary Society (2011)

Alien Life: Marx and the Future of the Human (2003)

Education, Capital and the Transhuman (2002)

Posted here by Glenn Rikowski
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