Saturday, October 22, 2016

Additions to Academia Posts: October 2016 - RUTH RIKOWSKI

Ruth Rikowski
@ Framlingham Castle

Ruth Rikowski has posted some new papers to Academia

These are as follows:

Rikowski, Ruth (2001) GATS:  private affluence and public squalor? Implications for libraries and information, Managing Information, Vol.8 No.10, December, pp.8-10, online at:

Rikowski, R. (2002) The Corporate Takeover of Libraries, Information for Social Change, No.14, winter 2001/02, online at:

Rikowski, R. (2002) The WTO/GATS Agenda for Libraries, Talk prepared for a public meeting at Sussex University, 23rd May 2002, online at:

Rikowski, R. (2002) A First-Time in Glasgow: impressions of the IFLA Conference, 2002, IFLA Journal, Vol.28 Nos.5/6, pp.278-280, online at:

Rikowski, R. (2003) Globalisation and Libraries – House of Lords Paper, in: Report by House of Lords, Select Committee on Economic Affairs, Session 2002-03, 1st Report, Volume of Evidence, Part 2, HL Paper 5-11, London: The Stationary Office, online at:

Rikowski, R. (2003) The Significance of WTO Agreements for the Library and Information World, Managing Information, January / February, Vol.16 No.1, p.43, online at:

Rikowski, R. (2003) Tripping Along With TRIPS? The World Trade Organization’s agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) and its implications for the library and information world, Managing Information, Vol.10 No.3, April, pp10-12, online at:

Rikowski, R. (2003) The Role of the Information Professional in Knowledge Management: The Beginning of the End or the End of the Beginning for the Library and Information Profession? Managing Information, Vol.10 No.4, pp.44-47, online at:

Rikowski, R. (2004) Creating Value from Knowledge in the Knowledge Revolution, Information for Social Change, No.20, winter 2004, online at:

Rikowski, R. (2008) Digital Libraries and Digitalisation: an overview and critique, Policy Futures in Education, Vol.6 No.1, pp.5-21, online at:

Rikowski, R. (2008) Computers / Information and Communications Technology, the Information Profession and the Gender Divide: Where are we going? Policy Futures in Education, Vol.6 No.4, pp.482-506, online at:

For all of Ruth Rikowski’s papers at Academia, see:

For all of Glenn Rikowski’s papers at Academia, see:

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Reviewing Our History and Making Plans: The Social Science Centre - Lincoln

Saturday 27th August 2016
10.00 – 4.00
St. Swithin’s Community Centre
Croft Street

St. Swithin’s Community Centre:

The Social Science Centre (SSC), Lincoln is hosting an event to look back at its activities since it was founded in 2011 and to make plans for its future.

10:00–12:00: SSC on Reflection, 2011–2016 (SSC members only)

A chance for all past and present members of the Social Science Centre to reflect on their experiences in the Centre, our activities, roads we have not taken, changes we should make and hopes for the future. Highlights to be shared with others later in the day.

12:30–1:30: Lunch (Public, everyone welcome)

Please join us for lunch!

1:30–4:00: Co-operative Higher Education in Lincoln (Public, all welcome)

Ideas and making plans for the term/year. It has already been suggested we run courses on Brexit and the co-operative movement in Lincoln and the UK

What is the SSC?

The SSC  organises higher education that explores the everyday experiences of its members – who are both students and teachers – through concepts and ideas developed in the social sciences. This includes making critical sense of social problems (like ‘austerity’, racism and nationalism or the privatisation of schools) and important local and global events like ‘Brexit’, learning how they affect us and how we might have an effect on them. Our past courses – The Social Science Imagination, Co-operation and Education, and Know How: Do-It-Ourselves Higher Education – all offered different approaches to this learning.

We are a co-operative organisation that is owned and run by our members. This means that we not only have an experience of higher education, but can decide together what this education should be, how it works and why it matters. All our members can help run the Centre by taking part in democratic decision-making processes and collective ownership and responsibility. No one pays for learning or gets paid for teaching at the SSC because we do not believe knowledge should be for sale. Members with financial means make small monthly contributions to the co-operative to pay for room hire and other running costs.
For more information about the SSC, visit our website:   

‘Human Herbs’ – a song by Cold Hands & Quarter Moon:
Posted here by Glenn Rikowski
Glenn Rikowski @ Academia: 
Ruth Rikowski @ Academia:

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

New Academia Posts - Ruth Rikowski

Richmond, River Thames
4th May 2016
Picture taken by Glenn Rikowski


Ruth Rikowski has posted some new papers to Academia. These are as follows:

Rikowski, R. (2005) Traditional Knowledge and TRIPS, Information for Social Change, winter, Issue No. 22, at:

Rikowski, R. (2004) On the impossibility of determining the length of the working-day for intellectual labour, Information for Social Change, summer, Issue No.19, at: 

Rikowski, R. (2003) Library Privatisation: Fact or Fiction? Information for Social Change, summer, Issue No.17, at:

Rikowski, R. (2002) Globalisation and Libraries – Summary Paper, House of Lords, Select Committee on Economic Affairs, Inquiry into the Global Economy, 22nd January, London, at:

Rikowski, R. (2002) The WTO, the GATS and the meaning of ‘services’, Public Library Journal, Vol.17 No.2, summer, pp.48-50, at:

For all of Ruth Rikowski’s papers at Academia, see:

Glenn Rikowski also has a new post at Academia:

Rikowski, G. (2002) The great GATS buyout, Red Pepper, No.101, November, pp.25-27, at:

For all of Glenn Rikowski’s papers at Academia, see:

Friday, July 22, 2016

At Risk of Being Forgotten: Great British Libertarian Educationalists Leila Berg and Bob McKenzie


A talk by Ros Kane and Emily Charkin
Saturday 23 July 2016, 2.00pm - 4.30 pm
@ The MayDay Rooms

Organised by the New Anarchist Research Group

R F McKenzie is a largely forgotten libertarian educationalist, but Ros Kane considers that he has written the last words on the subject. Attempting to initiate child-centred, creative practices within the state system as head of two Scottish secondary schools, he was – not surprisingly – twice kicked out, ending his days writing and lecturing. Ros, who has flirted with teaching and now works in child mental health, will present an account of Bob McKenzie's life, work and books, and invite a discussion about what lessons we can learn of the possibilities and pitfalls of trying to apply A.S. Neill-type ideas in state schools. Ros Kane is author of To Have An Only Child.

We talked practically non-stop’:  Mackenzie and his radical networks (1910-1987)
This talk explores how Mackenzie's life and work can be understood in the wider context of radical educational and political ideas in the twentieth century. Emily will draw on her current research on John Aitkenhead (1910-1998), who was friends with Mackenzie, and ran a private boarding school in Scotland called Kilquhanity (1940-1995) based on many of their shared ideas about freedom and community in education.  I will also share perspectives on Mackenzie from my research on Leila Berg (1917-2012) drawing particularly on a transcript of an over-night meeting which Berg hosted at her home in London, in 1968 - a radical cocktail of Mackenzie, Duane, Neill and Holt.  I will argue that this network and their debates can help us draw significant distinctions between progressive and radical educational ideas - and their relationship to anarchist political thought.

Emily Charkin's historical work is concerned with anarchist educational ideas, experiments and the learning experiences of ordinary people.  She uses these historical accounts to cast light on debates in the philosophy of education in the present. She is currently working on an ESRC funded PhD at the UCL Institute of Education with a working title: ‘Together they build a structure to suit their needs’: Children's experiences of self-build, radical education and anarchism from the 1930s to today. Her previous work has been about the Peckham Health Centre (1935-1950), Whiteway Colony (1926-today), Colin Ward (1924-2010), Leila Berg (1917-2012) and the US de-schoolers in the 1970s.

Emily has also worked outside academia as a social researcher at the National Centre for Social Research and a curriculum director for the civic leadership organisation, Common Purpose.  She and her architect-builder husband are currently setting up a work hub and 'school' of self-reliance at Wilderness Wood where adults and children can work and learn together. 

MayDay Rooms, 88 Fleet Street, London EC4Y 1DH
Please note, that we have a new venue, The MayDay Rooms, 88 Fleet Street, London EC4Y 1DH. The nearest tube station is St Paul's, but there are others close by. For more details about the MayDay Rooms and how to get to there (including a map) go to their website:

‘Human Herbs’ – a song by Cold Hands & Quarter Moon:
Posted here by Glenn Rikowski
Glenn Rikowski @ Academia: 
Ruth Rikowski @ Academia:

Ruth Rikowski at Serendipitous Moments:

Saturday, May 28, 2016



Announcing the publication of a special issue of Darkmatter Journal, "Reflections on Dispossession: Critical Feminisms" eds. Brenna Bhandar and Davina Bhandar, with contributions from Sara R. Farris, Jonathan Goldberg-Hiller, Alyosha Goldstein, Leticia Sabsay and Rafeef Ziadah.

This collection traces a path for contemporary critiques of neoliberal capitalism and colonial dispossession. The authors show the compelling need for complex strategies and tools to evaluate the interlocking or intersectional practices of dispossession, and their particular effects on racialised, Indigenous, sexualized, and gendered subjects. 

Darkmatter is an open access journal, and the special issue can be accessed here:

Praise for "Reflections on Dispossession":

"Crossing centuries, oceans, continents, and disciplines, this ambitious and extraordinary collection shows how the logic of dispossession and its productions of difference reach into a present that avows colorblindness and erases coloniality. In its courtrooms, border checkpoints, intimacies, reform impulses, prisons, refugee camps, and regimes of accumulation, the neoliberal order is shown to draw on and recalibrate histories of gendered colonial oppression as long as they are deep." - David Roediger (University of Kansas) 

First Published in

‘Human Herbs’ – a song by Cold Hands & Quarter Moon:
Posted here by Glenn Rikowski
Glenn Rikowski @ Academia: 
Ruth Rikowski @ Academia:

Ruth Rikowski at Serendipitous Moments:

Friday, May 20, 2016

Forest Voices Choir - Singing at the Gate


On 16th June 2016, from 6.30 to 8.00pm Forest Voices will sing at The Gate Library and Community Centre

At: 4 – 20 Woodgrange Road
Forest Gate
London E7 0QH.
Come and join us for a free evening of song and enjoyment!
Light refreshments provided.

Funded by a “Let’s Get the Party Started” grant from the London Borough of Newham

Ruth Rikowski is a member of the Forest Voices choir, and will be singing with them at The Gate on 16th June.

‘Human Herbs’ – a song by Cold Hands & Quarter Moon:
Posted here by Glenn Rikowski
Glenn Rikowski @ Academia: 
Ruth Rikowski @ Academia:

Ruth Rikowski at Serendipitous Moments:

Friday, May 13, 2016

Avant-Garde Pedagogies Conference

Higher Education and Theory (HEAT) Network
The Institute for Modern and Contemporary Culture, and
The Philosophy of Education Research Centre, University of Winchester 

At: University of Westminster, London
309 Regent Street, London , W1B 2HW - View Map
8th and 9th July, 2016

To book your seat for the Avant-Garde Pedagogies conference, please follow this link: Book Now!

Schedule (tbc)

1.15pm – Registration (Foyer, 309 Regent Street)
1.30pm – Panel 1 (Room UG04)
–          Michael Kindellan, University of Sheffield, ‘Charles Olson’s pedagogical poetics’
–          Alan Golding, University of Louisville, ‘“Poetic Ambition on the Semester System”: Ezra Pound’s Avant-Gardism and Teaching Institutions’
2.45pm – Break (Room 209)
3.00pm – Panel 2 (Room UG04)
–          Kerstin Stutterheim, Bournemouth University, ‘Die Idee der Methode: Walter Gropius and the Bauhaus pedagogy’
–          Allan Parsons, University of Westminster, ‘You are Here Now: Design is (not) Dasein’
4.15pm – Break (Room 209)
4.30pm – Panel 3 (Room UG04)
–          Emile Bojesen, University of Winchester, tbc
–          Aislinn O’Donnell, Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick, ‘How Things Teach Us: Experience and Experimentation in Spinoza’
5.45pm – Drinks reception (Foyer, 309 Regent Street)

10.00am – Registration (Foyer, 309 Regent Street)
10.15am – Panel 4 (Room UG04)
–          Zlatina Nikolova, Royal Holloway, ‘Development of the Self: Women’s education in Bryher’s Early Prose’
–          Maria Teresa Cruz, New University of Libson (NOVA), ‘Avant-garde and Experimentation in the Age of Hyper Industrialization of Culture’
11.30am – Break (Room 209)
11.45am – Panel 5 (Room UG04)
–          Richard Miles, Leeds College of Art, ‘The School of the Damned: Autonomous Art education and the University Struggles’
–          David Blacker, University of Delaware, ‘The formula of inhumanity: moral challenge and neoliberal nihilism’
1.00pm – Lunch
2.00pm – Panel 6 (Room UG04)
–          Hannah Proctor, Birkbeck, University of London, tbc
–          Steven Cranfield, University of Westminster, ‘“Battles for the mind”: military psychiatry and pedagogic innovation in the ‘Cambridge English’ School
3.15pm – Break (Room 209)
3.30pm – Panel 7 (Room UG04)
–          Alys Moody, Macquarie University, ‘Learning with Brecht and Coetzee’
–          Gary Peters, York St John University, ‘The Music Teacher: The Pedagogy(s) of 20th Century Avant-garde Music’
4.45pm – Coffee Break (Room 209)
5.00pm – Panel 8 (Room UG04)
–          Peter Roberts, University of Canterbury, NZ, ‘Doubt, Despair and Education’
–          Closing Remarks
6.15pm – Conference Ends

‘Human Herbs’ – a song by Cold Hands & Quarter Moon:
Posted here by Glenn Rikowski
Glenn Rikowski @ Academia: 
Ruth Rikowski @ Academia:

Ruth Rikowski at Serendipitous Moments:

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Why Library Is Not A Dirty Word: Reclaiming Its Power and Possibility: VENUE & PROGRAMME CHANGES

Ruth Rikowski


Friday, 10th June, @ 19:00 – 20.30 (BST)

There have been some changes to the venue and programme: though the day (Friday 10th June) and time (7.00 – 8.30pm) are still the same.

Apologies for the short notice

A talk and discussion about library campaigns, radical librarianship and re-imagining the library as a public space

New Venue:
The Coffee Bar
1 Toronto Avenue
Manor Park
E12 5JF
(In fact, only 3 minutes’ walk from the original venue, the Rabbits Road Institute. Just walk along the Romford Road towards Ilford, and The Froud Centre is easily recognisable: it’s on the corner between Toronto Avenue and Romford Road)

New Programme:
Speaker: Ruth Rikowski – writer, lecturer at London South Bank University, libraries professional and campaigner, author of Globalisation, Information and Libraries: The Implications of the World Trade Organisation’s GATS and TRIPS Agreements (Chandos Publishing), and a freelance editor for Chandos Publishing.

Followed by Discussion

Free Admission
No Registration Necessary
Soft drinks provided

Best wishes
Ruth Rikowski @ Academia:
Glenn Rikowski @ Academia: 

Ruth Rikowski at Serendipitous Moments:

6th International Conference on Critical Education - 2016: Extended Deadline

10 – 13 August 2016
Middlesex University

Extended Call for Papers: 31st May 2016
The Deadline for Abstracts for the upcoming 6th ICCE Conference has been extended to the end of May.

Plenary  Speakers include:
Peter McLaren (Chapman University, Orange, California, USA)
Hasan Hüseyin Aksoy (Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey)
Grant Banfield (Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia)
Joyce Canaan (Birmingham City University, Birmingham, UK)
Hana Cervinkova (University of Lower Silesia, Wroclaw, Poland)
Polina Chrysochou (Anglia Ruskin University, Chelmsford, UK)
Agnieszka Dziemianowicz-BÄ…k (University of Wroclaw, Wroclaw, Poland)
Cassie Earl (Manchester Metropolitan Univesity, Manchester, UK)
Gail Edwards (Newcastle University, Newcastle, UK)
Ramin Farahmandpur (Portland State University, Portland, USA)
Derek Ford (Syracuse University, New York, USA)
Panayota Gounari (University of Massachusetts, Boston, USA)
Tom Griffiths (Newcastle University, Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia)
George Grollios (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki,Thessaloniki, Greece)
Dave Hill (Institute for Education Policy Studies & National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece)
Gianna Katsampoura (National Hellenic Research Foundation, Athens, Greece)
Leszek Koczanowicz (University of Sosial Sciences and Humanities, Wroclaw, Poland)
Vicky Makris (University of Alberta, Alberta, Canada)
Curry Malott (West Chester University of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania, USA)
Alpesh Maisuria (University of East London, London, UK)
Lilia Monzo (Chapman University, California, USA)
Jayne Osgood (Middlesex University, London, UK)
Periklis Pavlidis (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece)
Leena Helavaara Robertson (Middlesex University, London, UK)
Fevziye Sayilan (Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey)
Kostas Skordoulis (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens, Greece)
Juha Suoranta (University of Tampere, Tampere, Finland)
Spyros Themelis (University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK)
Meral Uysal (Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey)
Paolo Vittoria (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
Ahmet Yildiz (Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey)

The conference website is 
Abstract Submission Form is at:  

‘Human Herbs’ – a song by Cold Hands & Quarter Moon:
Posted here by Glenn Rikowski
Glenn Rikowski @ Academia: 

Ruth Rikowski at Serendipitous Moments: 

Monday, April 4, 2016

The Complete Works of Rosa Luxemburg


Support the ongoing effort to produce:
The Complete Works of Rosa Luxemburg
The effort to issue The Complete Works of Rosa Luxemburg (issued by Verso Books) has reached a critical phase, and we appeal for your help in enabling future volumes to be published.
The Complete Works was inaugurated in March 2011 with the 600-page Letters of Rosa Luxemburg, the largest collection of her correspondence ever published in English. Volume I of the Complete Works, entitled Economic Writings 1, was published in 2013 and contains the first full English translation of one of her most important books, Introduction to Political Economy, as well as eight newly-discovered manuscripts on anthropology, economic history, and the theory of crises. Volume II, entitled Economic Writings 2, was published in 2015 and contains a new translation of The Accumulation of Capital and the Anti-Critique.
We are now raising funds to cover the costs of translation of her Political Writings, beginning with three volumes (Vols. 3, 4 and 5) devoted to “On Revolution.” They will contain all of her writings on the 1905-06 Russian Revolution, 1917 Russian Revolution, and 1918-19 German Revolution. These reveal Luxemburg at her finest—as a fierce supporter of revolutionary democracy, with a sensitive grasp of spontaneous freedom struggles as well as of non-hierarchical forms of organization. Many of these writings—a large number of them translated from Polish—have never appeared in print since their initial publication, and most have never before appeared in English.
The Complete Works will make her entire body of work available for the first time in any language. All of the writings will be newly translated, with the highest level of scholarly editing. But we cannot continue to commission translations without your support. We need to raise an additional $35,000 to help pay for the translation costs of the next three volumes.
We urge you to make a contribution to the Rosa Luxemburg page of the Toledo Fund, at
There are few better ways of celebrating International Women’s Month!
—The Editorial Board, Rosa Luxemburg Complete Works.

‘Human Herbs’ – a song by Cold Hands & Quarter Moon:
Posted here by Glenn Rikowski
Glenn Rikowski @ Academia: 
Ruth Rikowski @ Academia:

Ruth Rikowski at Serendipitous Moments:

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Why Study the Rich?


Public Programme
April 23, 2016: 12.30-5.30pm, Free
Rabbits Roads Institute
Old Manor Park Library
835 Romford Road
Manor Park
E12 5JY
An afternoon of talks and discussion
Refreshments served. Older children and young adults welcome.

‘Why study the Rich?’ is an event that brings together cross-disciplinary approaches to studying wealth in society. Come and listen to talks by activists, writers and artists whose scrutiny, investigation and differing perspectives attempt to challenge cultural narratives and societal structures that are intrinsically linked to the maintenance of power.
Open discussion with the audience is encouraged throughout the afternoon, as together we discuss how studies of ‘the rich’ might reveal a deeper understanding of the conditions of contemporary life and contribute to the debate about inequality in society.

Confirmed Speakers:
Roger Burrows, Professor of Cities at Newcastle University
Aditya Chakrabortty, senior economics commentator for The Guardian
Jeremy Gilbert, writer, researcher and activist & Professor of Cultural and Political Theory at UEL
Katharina Hecht, PhD student at LSE, on Economic Inequality
Jo Littler, Reader in Cultural Industries at City University London
Laure Provost, Artist, screening film ‘How to make money religiously

‘Why study the Rich?’ culminates a project called The Rich as a Minority Group by artists Ruth Beale and Amy Feneck in collaboration with GCSE Sociology students from Little Ilford School in Newham.

‘Human Herbs’ – a song by Cold Hands & Quarter Moon:
Posted here by Glenn Rikowski
Glenn Rikowski @ Academia: 
All that is Solid for Glenn Rikowski:
Ruth Rikowski @ Academia:

Ruth Rikowski at Serendipitous Moments:

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

PhD Scholarships @ Kingston University London


Kingston University London is advertising ten PhD scholarship across the entire university, these are likely to be highly competitive. The scholarships covers a living allowance and UK/EU fees. Deadline is 18th March 2016
More information of the scholarship and the application can be found here:

Kingston University is centre for non-mainstream economics and Political Economy research and has an active Political Economy Research Group (PERG PERG is encouraging applications in all fields of heterodox economics and Political Economy, with particular interest in Post Keynesian and Marxist approaches, and on issues like financialisation, financial instability, stock flow consistent modelling, distribution and growth, development. Interested applicants are welcome to send draft proposal to potential supervisors for comments.

The Economics’ department guidance of PhD applications (that’s general information, not specific to these scholarships) can be found at

Political Economy Research Group (PERG)
The Political Economy approach highlights the role of effective demand, institutions and social conflict in economic analysis and thereby builds on Austrian, Institutionalist, Keynesian and Marxist traditions. Economic processes are perceived to be embedded in social relations that must be analysed in the context of historical considerations, power relations and social norms. As a consequence, a broad range of methodological approaches is employed, and cooperation with other disciplines, including history, law, sociology and other social sciences, is necessary. ( and

‘Human Herbs’ – a song by Cold Hands & Quarter Moon:
Posted here by Glenn Rikowski
Glenn Rikowski @ Academia: 

Ruth Rikowski @ Academia:

Monday, February 15, 2016

Space, Identities and Memory

Birkbeck Institutes of Social Research and the Humanities Graduate Conference
Space, Identities and Memory
Deadline for Submission of Abstracts: 11/03/2016.
We invite postgraduate researchers, academics, activists, artists, and practitioners from across disciplines to contribute to the Birkbeck Institutes’ (BIH/BISR) annual two day conference held from the 13th to the 14th  May 2016.
This year’s conference theme seeks to examine the interplay between identity, space and memory, exploring the ways in which identities may be created, formed and informed by spatial and temporal contexts. In particular, we seek to examine to what extent identities are performed in response to political, social and cultural pressures, including historical circumstances leading to the construction of acceptable and unacceptable identities.
The conference aims to capture the complex overlaying of identities in time and space, and the agency of individuals and communities as they address their own complex understandings of the temporality of identity. Conversely, we hope the conference will highlight how space and time are influenced and shaped by everyday life, sociabilities, mobilisations and processes of subjectivation. In particular we are seeking papers that engage with topics such as:

  • ·      The built environment: how are housing, architecture, urbanity and concepts of public and private space harnessed in the self-fashioning of individual and communal identity?
  • ·      Gender, sexuality and race, the politics of becoming and the deterritorialisation of the body;
  • ·      ’Home’, domesticity and concepts of solitude and isolation across time and space;
  • ·      Spaces of dissent and resistance: how is memory imbricated in public spaces as sites of encounters, direct action and creative practices?
  • ·      Displacements and borders: constructing or disassembling boundaries from local to global;
  • ·      Explorations in the use of maps, social cartography and critical geography;
  • ·      Exclusion and inclusion in institutional spaces: how have institutionalised spaces cemented or challenged contemporary and past perspectives on identity?
  • ·      Narrating the past: memorialisation, contestation and re-enactment
  • ·      Innovative methods and approaches in the investigation of the intersections between space, identity and memory

Our first confirmed keynote speaker is Andy Merrifield. The conference will conclude with a round table bringing together activists, practitioners and academics.
This is an interdisciplinary conference, designed to foster creative thinking and new research agendas. To this end, we encourage papers from a diversity of disciplinary backgrounds that explore the interconnections of space, identity and memory.
We are particularly interested in receiving contributions from artists and practitioners in education, the heritage sector or related fields to participate in this interdisciplinary conference.
We warmly welcome abstracts for 20-minute panel papers. Abstracts should be between 200-300 words in length. Please include a short biography with your submission.  The deadline for submission of abstracts is the 11/03/2016. Authors will be notified regarding the acceptance of their paper after submissions have been reviewed and no later than 31/03/2016.
Contact Details
Please send enquiries and proposals to Beth Hodgett, Calum Wright, Eva Lauenstein & Moniza Rizzini at:

‘Human Herbs’ – a song by Cold Hands & Quarter Moon:
Posted here by Glenn Rikowski
Glenn Rikowski @ Academia: 

Ruth Rikowski @ Academia: