Friday, October 30, 2015



Jeremy Corbyn

Labour Representation Committee (LRC)
Waltham Forest Branch
Wednesday 25th November, 7.00pm
St. Barnabas, Foster Hall
St. Barnabas Road
London, E17 8JZ

John McDonnell MP – The People’s Chancellor
Matt Wrack – Fire Brigades Union, General Secretary
Maria Exall – Communication Workers Union
Steve White – National Union of Teachers
Councillor Shabana Dhedhi – Labour Party, Forest Branch

‘Human Herbs’ – a song by Cold Hands & Quarter Moon:
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All that is Solid for Glenn Rikowski:

John McDonnell

Affects and Aesthetics of the Undercommons

Call for Papers: Affects & Aesthetics of the Undercommons
As part of the 8th Art of Management & Organization Conference
1st-4th September 2016 @ Bled, Slovenia
Conference theme: Empowering the intangible: exploring, feeling and expressing through the arts

What affects circulate within the undercommons today (Harney & Moten, 2013)?

What is the relation between affective spaces and aesthetics in the construction of forms of collective intelligence and subjectivities, particularly in the ways this relation is worked with to expand forms of political action? The undercommons are organized through “engaging aesthetic rationality in the process of political transformation, of turning politics into art, everyday life into an aesthetically governed domain” (Katsiaficas 2001) – a “minor politics” (Thoburn 2003): one that is not based upon calling forth an already existing identity or position, but rather a politics based on a continual intensive and affective engagement of constant self-institution.

Might it be possible that we are already enmeshed in a world of unidentified autonomous organizations, a milieu of potential liberation that has remained imperceptible because of a narrow understanding of what organizations are? And might it not be that this imperceptibly, rather than being a condition to be addressed as a problem, could rather be part of building of what Robin D.G. Kelley and James Scott (2002) call an infrapolitical sphere: a space for politics coming out of people’s everyday experiences that do not express themselves as radical political organization at all.

As a conference stream “Affects & Aesthetics of the Undercommons” proposes to explore the these temporary and constantly shifting, yet always renewed, forms of organizing: the organizing that takes beneath and below as well as outside of formal organizations. These relations and their affectivity embody and express the movement of the social imaginary, or the constant process of becoming. Revolutions of everyday life, whether unseen or encoded in a hidden transcript, exists as a privileged location for political analysis and action precisely because it is where forms of collective intelligence, creativity, and social wealth are manifested.

Please send proposals / abstracts to by December 7th, 2015.
This stream is welcoming of non-standard forms of presentation, performance, and intervention.

‘Human Herbs’ – a song by Cold Hands & Quarter Moon:
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All that is Solid for Glenn Rikowski:

12th Working Class Bookfair


31st October 2015
Saturday at 11:00–17:00
Museum Vaults
Silksworth Row, SR1 3QJ City of Sunderland, UK
Directions: About 11 minutes walk from Sunderland rail station

Sunderland Working Class Bookfair 2015
Books, magazines and pamphlets will cover at least: local and general history, Marxism, environment, football and other sport, culture, railways, mining, fiction, social science, co-operatives, economics, Anarchism, international relations, Socialism, trade unions, sex, drugs & rock n' roll... smile emoticon
Stalls confirmed so far include Unite Community, Clothing Bank, Active Distribution, PM Press and Mayday Books

What is going on?
Despite the accidental way Jeremy Corbyn has become Labour leader this has opened up new spaces for politics, and we aim to welcome all progressive people.
Immediately, the Tories are in crisis with the defeat in the Lords, but this doesn't mean we are happy with things as they are, no - we want lots more!

REMEMBER Remember the 5th of November is coming up soon and we hope everybody's making their Tory dummies to burn. Andrew Lloyd Webber is the latest candidate to add to our list of dummies.
On a wider level the Liberals have collapsed because they're career opportunists; its class against class now and you have to take sides. Recent media scare stories have proven that the spectre that haunts Europe is no longer that of communism but of anarchism, and on this Halloween we can note the importance of this haunting.

Our side are the poor, workers, unemployed, the NEETS, disabled, the pensioners and those trying to get a decent pension, migrants and the otherwise oppressed such as the trainee workers - THE STUDENTS. We want to spread great literature that is useful for our people.
Words are not enough though and we have to put ideas into practice on a large scale.

Come and plan for the day out in London when the massed ranks of education workers, students and the otherwise pissed off at the TORY government will be making their voices heard for once on the large STUDENT protest on November 4th in London.

A spectre is haunting Europe - the spectre of anarchism
In London a large Anonymous march on November 5th will see Class War dragging an effigy of Zac Goldsmith, the posh Tory boy Mayoral candidate, down Downing Street where it's going to be burnt.
Hopefully we will be hearing from those who went to the Manchester Tory conference about what a great time they had too.
This is an open invite to all fellow travellers to come on down to the 31st October Bookfair and have a great time; Teesside Solidarity Movement, Steelworkers, Sunderland Welfare Action group, the Industrial Workers of the World, SPGB, Class War, NUM, Mayday books, North East Anarchists, the Black Bloc (if we can find them), UKUNCUT, syndicalists, students, teachers and lecturers, and many more are invited as well.

‘Human Herbs’ – a song by Cold Hands & Quarter Moon:
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All that is Solid for Glenn Rikowski:

Historical Materialism London Conference 2015 - Pre-Registration

Reminder: Only 4 days left to pre-register for the HM 2015 London Conference*

* NB: remember please that this year’s conference is at the SOAS Russell Square site, not Vernon Square as last year!

The Old is Dying and the New Cannot Be Born: States, Strategies, Socialisms

Twelfth Annual Historical Materialism Conference

School of Oriental and African Studies, Central London, 5-8 November 2015
As austerity tightens its grip around the throats of the peoples of Europe, but also rears its ugly head in Brazil and elsewhere, we are forced to recognize that it is not the mere by-product of the ‘economic crisis’ but a political project in its own right, one whose aim is to deepen and consolidate the most uncompromising forms of neoliberal capitalism. It cannot be said that this project has hitherto been met with passivity, even if social movements of resistance have been mostly far from strong enough to halt its advance. Yet something is perhaps beginning to change, namely the emergence of counter-austerity projects that have pitched themselves at a political - even electoral or governmental - level. With all their weaknesses, hesitations and contradictions, the chinks of light in Southern Europe, amongst others, should compel Marxists to pose a whole series of 'old' strategic and theoretical problems in new garbs and new configurations, ​but perhaps also to retire some of our dear fetishes and shibboleths, and to experiment with forms and strategies adequate to our present. Among the themes that have returned to the agenda are: the relationship of movements and parties of the radical Left to states and governments; the need for a political response to how class power is enmeshed with forms of domination that have gender, race, imperialism or sexuality as their axes; possible 'socialist' futures and the ‘transitional’ mediations implied by them; the guiding dichotomies of left thought: reform and revolution, revolution and revolt, state and movement, parties classes and masses; the link between the limits to capital and the limits of politics.
Over a hundred panels on a wide variety of topics and plenary sessions on: Race, Mobility and the State; Austerity and Socialist Strategy in Southern Europe; Social Reproduction Theory; Marxism and Religion; Workers' Struggles in South Africa.

‘Human Herbs’ – a song by Cold Hands & Quarter Moon:
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Voter Registration in the UK

Don’t lose your Right to Vote!
Get on the Voters Registration by 1st December 2015!

From 1st December 2015, in the UK, all household members must register individually or face being removed from the Voters Register.

Many could be disenfranchised – make sure you are not one of them!
Anyone who has not individually registered by 1 December 2015 will be removed from the register.

Originally, the deadline was December 2016 but the Tories have brought it forward by one year. This means that potentially over one million voters could lose the chance to vote in next May's local elections. 

Until 2009, one person in each household completed the registration for every resident eligible to vote, but now all that has changed. Each person who is eligible to vote now has to do this individually.

So, make sure you do not lose your right and opportunity to vote – something that has been fought so hard for by activists in history.

Also, see the film 'Suffragette' to emphasise the point for women!

So, get online and register to vote at:

Suffragette (film trailer, 2015): and Press Conference:

Further information:

‘Human Herbs’ – a song by Cold Hands & Quarter Moon:
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Friday, October 23, 2015


Call for Papers
A New journal
Kontradikce /Contradictions: A Journal for Critical Thought

We are seeking submissions of scholarly articles and theoretical essays that skirt the disciplinary boundaries of political philosophy, social theory, and cultural critique. This peer-reviewed journal, based in Prague, aims to critically revive and update Central and Eastern European traditions of radical thought, bringing them to bear on the historical present and bringing them into international discussions of the theoretical problems involved in emancipatory social change.

The journal is therefore especially interested in 1) articles that delve into the often overlooked or forgotten history of radical left thought in our part of the world and assess this legacy's contemporary significance; 2) articles that describe and develop related and parallel traditions of thought originating in other regions, bringing these traditions into conversation with the traditions of Central and Eastern Europe; 3) articles that analyze Soviet-type societies and their troubled relationship to historical and contemporary movements for social emancipation; and 4) articles that critically engage with the ideological assumptions and social conditions of "post-communism," that is, of the discursive association of the communist project with Soviet-type societies and, thus, with a "failed" and irretrievable past.

With these thematic problems in mind, we ask what specific contributions to critical social theory can arise out of the post-Communist experience—that is, out of the historical conflation of communism (the idea and project) with Communism (the party and party-run states) and the subsequent de-legitimation of the former along with the latter. Our focus is thus both geographically specific and global, as we aim to bring together the specific intellectual legacy of those parts of Europe formerly under Communist Party rule with w orldwide reflections of the "fall" of communism as a leading political and intellectual force. Out of this situation, we ask what new visions can emerge.

The journal will be published once a year as a double issue in multilingual format, with one part in English and one part in Czech and Slovak. Submissions are welcome in any of these three languages (English, Czech, or Slovak).

The first issue, with a submission deadline of October 31, 2015, will focus thematically on assessing the current moment and the state of critical social—and in particular Marxist—thought a quarter century after the fall of governments in Central and Eastern Europe that officially sanctioned Marxism while also constraining its development as a tradition of social critique. Submissions are encouraged, but not required, to take this focus into account.

Articles are welcome in the following categories:

· "Studies" and "essays": These may be articles of a more or less traditional academic character, but with an emphasis on the social significance of the material presented and on original and provocative argumentation. But we also welcome more essayistic contributions that break with some of the conventions of scholarly form. We are interested in rigorously theoretical essays, works of high scholarly value but which might not find a place in other scholarly journals. In this kind of writing, insightful generalization and shrewd observation will be given more weight than an exhaustive accounting for "existing literature" or a detailed description of research methodology. In other words, we have in mind essays that continue in the genre of most classic works in the modern history of ideas, from Rousseau's Discourses through Benjamin's "Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction" and Karel Kosík's Dialectics of the Concrete. More traditionally scholarly articles should be about 4000-9000 words long. Essays can range from 3000 to 10,000 words.

· "Translations" and "materials": Here we include important contributions to Central/Eastern European social thought that can be brought to international attention in English translation; internationally important works in new Czech or Slovak translations; and previously unpublished or long-unavailable "materials," accompanied by annotation that presents the materials' significance to contemporary readers (these may be submitted in English, Czech, or Slovak). 3000-10,000 words.

· "Reviews" of recent publications in critical social thought. Reviews may be brief (500-2000 words) or may constitute longer "review studies" (2000-5000 words).

Send all submissions to
Further information available on
First Published in

‘Human Herbs’ – a song by Cold Hands & Quarter Moon:
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Wednesday, October 21, 2015

The Glass Factory


A monthly evening of alternative music and performances of all shapes and sizes
Next performances: Saturday 14th November 2915; 5th December 2015; 9th January 2016
Time: 4.00 – 8.00pm
Red Door Studios
E6 3RW

Red Door Studios
Masterman Road (rear 120 High St South)
E6 3RW
Phone: 07753186009
Nearest tube: East Ham
Bus routes: 101, 104, 115, 58, 474 
Accessible by bus from: Stratford, Forest Gate, Leytonstone, Wanstead, Canning Town, Aldgate.

Red Door Studios & Facebook:
Red Door Studios website:

‘Human Herbs’ – a song by Cold Hands & Quarter Moon:
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Saturday, October 17, 2015

The Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies - Vol.13 No.2 (October 2015)




Periklis Pavlidis
Social consciousness, education and transformative activity

Dave Hill, Christine Lewis, Alpesh Maisuria, Patrick Yarker and  Julia Carr
Neoliberal and Neoconservative Immiseration Capitalism in England: Policies and Impacts on Society and on Education

Curry Malott and Derek R. Ford
Contributions to a Marxist Critical Pedagogy of Becoming: Centering the Critique of the Gotha Programme: Part Two

Philippa Hall
Labour Subjectivities for the new world of work: A critique of government policy on the integration of entrepreneurialism in the university curriculum

Elisabeth Simbuerger and Mike Neary
Free Education! A “Live” Report on the Chilean Student Movement 2011-2014 – reform or revolution? [A Political Sociology for Action]

Amanda Oliveira Rabelo, Graziela Raupp Pereira and Maria Amélia Reis
Sex Education as a Transversal Subject

Lois Weiner
Democracy, critical education, and teachers unions: Connections and contradictions in the neoliberal epoch

Melanie Lawrence
Beyond the Neoliberal Imaginary: Investigating the Role of Critical Pedagogy in Higher Education

Conor Heaney
What is the University today?

Shawgi Tell
Can a Charter School Not be a Charter School?

Åž. Erhan Bagci
Decline of Meritocracy: Neo-feudal Segregation in Turkey

Declan McKenna
Policy over Procedure: A look at the School Completion Programme in Ireland. Is this State led educational intervention for disadvantaged children merely philanthropic and can current Global and National Neo Liberal Policy trends in Education be overcome?

Daniel B. Saunders
Resisting Excellence: Challenging Neoliberal Ideology in Postsecondary Education

Latest edition of The Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies is now online at:

‘Human Herbs’ – a song by Cold Hands & Quarter Moon:
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Friday, October 16, 2015

All Saints Chorus & Orchestra



The All Saints Chorus and Orchestra are celebrating their 20th anniversary concert season starting this year. Formed in 1994, the Chorus is a community choir. Membership is open to all and there are no auditions. The choir have a reputation for performing concerts of the highest standard in Newham, the area in which they rehearse and perform.
They have an extensive repertoire of music ranging from the 15th century to today. Included are the great works of composers such as Bach, Handel, Mozart, Haydn, Brahms, and Verdi. The chorus enjoys a good social life outside the rehearsal room and the annual weekend away provides the perfect opportunity to rehearse, socialise and relax.
The All Saints Orchestra is a mix of seasoned professional players featuring instrumentalists from many of the major London orchestras. Together with the Chorus and our dedicated group of acclaimed soloists they give a wide audience the chance to experience great music in the historic setting of West Ham Parish Church.

Next Event: West Ham Parish Church (All Saints), Church Street, E15 3HU
Saturday 21 November 2015
Vaughan Williams: Towards the Unknown Region, and Antiphon: Let All the World
Beethoven: Symphony No.7
Brahms: A German Requium

Margaret Feuvoir Soprano
Stephen Alder – Bass
All Saints Chorus
All Saints Orchestra
Jon Cullen – Conductor

Tickets: Adults £17; Concessions £10. On the door or in advance – Telephone: 07513 414665

‘Human Herbs’ – a song by Cold Hands & Quarter Moon:
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How Class Works - 2016 Conference

A Conference at SUNY Stony Brook
June 9-11, 2016

The Center for Study of Working Class Life is pleased to announce the How Class Works – 2016 Conference, to be held at the State University of New York at Stony Brook, June 9-11, 2016
Proposals for papers, presentations, and sessions are welcome until December 9, 2015, according to the guidelines below.  For more information, visit our Web site at <>.

Purpose and orientation: This conference explores ways in which an explicit recognition of class helps to understand the social world in which we live, and the variety of ways in which analysis of societies can deepen our understanding of class as a social relationship across the globe.  Theoretical and historical presentations should take as their point of reference the lived experience of class in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, within nations and internationally.  Presentations are welcome from people outside academic life when they sum up and reflect upon social experience in ways that contribute to conference themes and discussion.  Formal papers are welcome but are not required.  All presentations should be accessible to an interdisciplinary audience.

Conference themes: The conference welcomes proposals for sessions and presentations that advance our understanding of any of the following themes:
* The mosaic of class, race, and gender: To explore how class shapes racial, gender, and ethnic experience, and how different racial, gender, and ethnic experiences within various classes shape the meaning of class.
*  Class, power, and social structure: To explore how the social lives of working, middle, and capitalist classes are structured by various forms of power; to explore ways in which class dynamics shape power structures in workplaces and across broader societies.
*  Class in an age of income inequality:  To explore the implications and consequences of the growing income gap between top earners and the rest for the lived experience in class in different corners of the world.
*  Class, Community, and the Environment: To explore ways in which class informs communities and environmental conditions where people work as well as where they live; also to consider questions of "home," community formation and sustenance, and environmental justice. 
*  Class in a global economy: To explore how class identity and class dynamics are influenced by globalization, including the transnational movements of industry, capital, and capitalist elites; the experience of cross-border labor migration and organizing; and international labor and environmental standards.
*  Middle class? Working class? What's the difference and why does it matter? To explore the claim that the U.S. and other developed nations have become middle class societies, contrasting with the notion that the working class is the majority; to unpack the relationships between the middle class and capitalist, working and other subordinate classes both in the developed and the developing world.
*  Class, public policy, and electoral politics: To explore how class affects public deliberations and policy in a variety of nations around the world, with special attention to health care, the criminal justice system, labor law, poverty, tax and other economic policy, housing, and education; to explore the place of electoral politics in the arrangement of class forces on policy matters.
*  Class and culture: To explore ways in which cultures and subcultures transmit, sustain, and transform class dynamics around the world.
*  Pedagogy of class: To explore techniques and materials useful for teaching about class, at K-12 levels, in college and university courses, and in labor studies and adult education courses.

How to submit proposals for How Class Works – 2016 Conference:  We encourage proposals for panel sessions (three or four papers) and roundtables that bring diverse perspectives and experiences into dialogue: scholars with activists; those working on similar themes in different disciplines; as well as those working on similar issues in different parts of the world. Proposals for individual presentations are also welcome. Proposals for presentations must include the following information [for session proposals this information must be included for all proposed presentations, as well as indication of presenters' willingness to participate]: a) short descriptive title; b) which of the conference themes will be addressed; c) a maximum 250 word summary of the main subject matter, points, and methodology; d) relevant personal information indicating institutional affiliation (if an y) and what training or experience the presenter brings to the proposal; e) presenter's name, address, telephone, fax, and e-mail address. A person may present in at most two conference sessions. To allow time for discussion, sessions will be limited to three twenty-minute or four fifteen-minute principal presentations. Sessions will not include official discussants.  

Submit proposals as an e-mail attachment to or as hard copy by mail to: The How Class Works – 2016 Conference, Center for Study of Working Class Life, Department of Economics, SUNY, Stony Brook, NY 11794-4384.

Timetable:  Proposals must be received by December 9, 2015. After review by the program committee, notifications will be mailed by the end of January 2016. The conference will be at SUNY Stony Brook June 9-11, 2016.  Conference registration and housing reservations will be possible after March 7, 2016.
Details and updates will be posted at:

Conference coordinator:
Michael Zweig
Director, Center for Study of Working Class Life
Department of Economics
State University of New York
Stony Brook, NY 11794-4384
631.632.7536                   ##

‘Human Herbs’ – a song by Cold Hands & Quarter Moon:
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Seminars on Contemporary Marxist Theory

Karl Marx's Grave


Wednesday 21 October
Stathis Kouvelakis
Lessons of the Greek Crisis
S-1.04 Strand Building (NB in basement), King's College London, Strand WC2R 2LS

Monday 9 November
Riccardo Bellofiore & Alex Callinicos
A Dialogue on Alex Callinicos's book Deciphering Capital: Marx's Capital and Its Destiny
K0.20, King's Building, King's College London, Strand WC2R 2LS

Wednesday 25 November
Nicholas De Genova
Theorising the 'Crisis' of the European Border Regime
342N Norfolk Building, King's College London, Strand WC2R 2LS

The Seminar in Contemporary Marxist Theory is a collaboration among scholars in the departments of European & International Studies, Geography, and Management at King's College London.
For further information contact Stathis

‘Human Herbs’ – a song by Cold Hands & Quarter Moon:
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Karl Marx

Persistent Unemployment, Automation, and the Transcendence of Capitalism


6:30-9:30 PM
Westside Peace Center
3916 Sepulveda Blvd., near Venice Blvd. (free parking in rear)
Suite 101-102, press #22 at door to get into building
Culver City (LA area)

Sarah Mason, former Occupy LA activist
Ali Kiani, Iranian Marxist activist and translator

Capitalism today is marked by persistent unemployment, particularly of youth, as well as low-wage labor.  This is not only a local but also a global problem. Although the displacement of human labor by machines is as old as industrial capitalism, it has accelerated and moved into new sectors in recent years.  These issues have been debated widely from Marx's time, to the Critical Theorists and Marxist-Humanists of the 1950s and 1960s, to today.  Is persistent unemployment due to technological change a further oppression of the working people, or does it offer possibilities for human liberation?  How can both of these issues be connected, in dialectical fashion?  We will explore these issues by examining some pages from Marx's GRUNDRISSE and CAPITAL, from Herbert Marcuse and Raya Dunayevskaya on automation, and from Paul Mason today.

Suggested readings:

Paul Mason, "The End of Capitalism Has Begun," GUARDIAN, July 17, 2015

Raya Dunayevskaya, "The 'Automaton' and the Worker," PHILOSOPHY AND REVOLUTION, pp. 68-77

Herbert Marcuse, on automation, ONE-DIMENSIONAL MAN, pp. 28-37

Karl Marx, Section 5: "The Struggle between Worker and Machine," in Ch. 15: "Machinery and Large-Scale Industry," in CAPITAL, Vol. I

Karl Marx, on machinery in GRUNDRISSE, Nicolaus translation, pp. 699-713, online here and here  

Sponsored by the West Coast Chapter, International Marxist-Humanist Organization

Join our Facebook page: "International Marxist-Humanist Organization"

‘Human Herbs’ – a song by Cold Hands & Quarter Moon:
Posted here by Glenn Rikowski
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Ruth Rikowski at Serendipitous Moments: