Monday, June 29, 2015


At the William Morris Gallery
Lloyd Park, Forest Road
Walthamstow, London, E17 4PP
020 8496 4390 
London, United Kingdom
27 June to 27 September 2015

Open Wednesday to Sunday, 10am - 5pm; free

William Morris and Russian artist El Lissitzky both wanted to change people’s lives through their art. Whilst Morris saw beauty in the past, Lissitzky sought a new visual language for the future.

In his latest work, British artist David Mabb celebrates the utopian ideas of these two men through their seminal book designs: Morris's Kelmscott Chaucer and Lissitzky's For the Voice, a revolutionary book of poems by Vladimir Mayakovsky considered one of the finest achievements in Russian avant-garde bookmaking.

Comprising 30 canvasses, Announcer takes over the gallery space, interweaving and contrasting the two designs so that Morris and Lissitzky's graphic s are never able to fully merge or separate.

William Morris Gallery:

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Sunday, June 28, 2015

Cosmonauts of the Future

A first ever English-language anthology of the Scandinavian Situationists
Cosmonauts of the Future: Texts from the Situationist Movement in Scandinavia and Elsewhere
Edited by Mikkel Bolt Rasmussen & Jakob Jakobsen

This is the first ever English-language anthology collecting texts and documents from the still little-known Scandinavian part of the Situationist movement. The book covers over three decades of writing, from Asger Jorn's Luck and Chance published in 1953, to the statements of the Situationist Antinational set up by Jens Jørgen Thorsen and J.V. Martin in 1974. The writings collected gravitate around the year 1962 when the Situationist movement went through it's most dynamic and critical moments, and the disagreements about the relationship between art and politics came to a culmination, resulting in exclusions and the split of the Situationist International.

The Situationists did not win, and the almost forgotten Scandinavian fract ions even less so. The book broadens the understanding of the Situationist movement by bringing into view the wild and unruly activities of the Scandinavian fractions of the organisation and the more artistic, experimental, and actionist attitude that characterised them. They did, nevertheless, constitute a decisive break with the ruling socio-economic order through their project of bringing into being new forms of life. Only an analysis of the multifaceted and often contradictory Situationist revolution will allow us to break away from the dull contemplation of yet another document of Debord's archive or yet another drawing by Jorn. There is a lot to be learned from the history of revolutionary failure. It is along these lines that this book points forward beyond the crisis-ridden capitalist order that survives today.

Texts by: Asger Jorn, Jørgen Nash, Jens Jørgen Thorsen, Bauhaus Situationniste, Jacqueline de Jong, Gordon Fazakerley, Gruppe SPUR, Dieter Ku nzelman, J.V. Martin, and Guy Debord.
Translated by: Peter Shield, James Manley, Anja Buchele, Matthew Hyland, Fabian Tompsett, and Jakob Jakobsen.

Bio: Mikkel Bolt Rasmussen is an art historian and political theorist. He is associate professor at the University of Copenhagen and has published books and articles on the revolutionary tradition and modern art. Jakob Jakobsen is an artist and political organizer. He ran the Copenhagen Free University, cofounded the artist run TV station tvtv and has participated in exhibitions all over the world.

PDF available freely online:

‘Human Herbs’ – a song by Cold Hands & Quarter Moon:
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Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Crisis and Insurrection

A new book from Mikkel Bolt Rasmussen on ongoing crises and insurrections…

Crisis to Insurrection: Notes on the ongoing collapse
Mikkel Bolt Rasmussen
The crisis runs deep. The economies of the US and Europe are in profound crisis and the developing economies are also beginning to feel its effects. Everywhere it is workers who are paying the price. The crisis is being socialized and austerity is the order of the day; the crisis is used as a pretext for further savings and cuts. In other words, capital has intensified the class war. But the proletariat has started moving. The revolts in North Africa and the Middle East have challenged the neoliberal world order and its division of the world, and the ‘movement of the squares’ in Southern Europe and Occupy in the US have picked up the baton and joined the new protest cycle. Even though dictators have been toppled in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya, the protests continue. This is also the case in Greece, Spain and Portugal where people reject the austerity programs. There are protests in Bulgaria and Bosnia. In Syria the civil war is raging. In China the number of strikes continue to rise. In Turkey the youth reject Erdogan’s neoliberal ‘success’ and urban restructuring and in Brazil ‘the dangerous classes’ have taken to the streets. There are a variety of protests going on – the ones in the West are defensive, the ones in the rest of the world offensive and reformist – but together they are knocking a hole in the neoliberal world order. The old mole is back.

Bio: Mikkel Bolt Rasmussen is Associate Professor at the Department of Arts and Cultural Studies, University of Copenhagen.
PDF available freely online:
Released by Minor Compositions, Wivenhoe / Brooklyn / Port Watson
Minor Compositions is a series of interventions & provocations drawing from autonomous politics, avant-garde aesthetics, and the revolutions of everyday life.
Minor Compositions is an imprint of Autonomedia |

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Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Postgraduate Ethics: Issues, Dilemmas, Solutions

Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE)
Date - Wednesday, 15 July 2015: 13.00 - 16.15
Venue - SRHE, 73 Collier St, London N1 9BE
Network - Postgraduate Issues

Ethical integrity is an important term that concerns not only the research process but many practical situations. As one of the speakers highlights, the scope of this notion encompasses amongst many ethical scenarios,  ‘… the relationship between policy and governance, practice, and institutional support and administration.’ The aim of today is to provide an environment where postgraduate ethical issues can be discussed and debated. The speakers will highlight different ethical issues and allow participants to respond underling their own ethical dilemmas. As Brooks et al (2014:3) argue, ‘Ethical thinking is intimately connected to practical research sills, which need to be developed and reflected upon.’ ‘The more you think about postgraduate research ethics …’, another speaker will suggest, ‘ … the more important ethics becomes.’ What we hope participants will gain from the Seminar is increased understandings of their own ethical situations and potential ethical solutions.


12.00: Registration and Lunch.

1.00-2.00: Doctoral Supervisor Training - Supporting Supervisors and Students in Understanding Research Integrity - Fiona Denney

2.00-3.00: Current issues in research integrity - Andrew Rawnsley

3.00-3.15: Tea and Coffee break

3.15-3.45: Postgraduate ethical Issues in Education Research - Richard Race

3.45-4.15: General Discussion and close.


Fiona Denney
Fiona Denney is currently the Director of the Brunel Educational Excellence Centre at Brunel University, London, which is aimed at enhancing support for both staff and students in order to improve the quality of teaching and learning at all levels throughout the University. Fiona has worked in UK universities for 18 years – both as an academic and as a senior professional member of staff. Prior to working at Brunel, Fiona was the Assistant Director of the Graduate School at King’s College London, where she developed training for researchers, senior staff and doctoral supervisors, provided strategic direction for the development of academics and researchers and hosed the London Hub for the national research development organisation, VITAE. E mail:

Andrew Rawnsley
Andrew’s expertise lies principally in research ethics and integrity, with a focus on the relationship between policy and governance, practice, and institutional support and administration. He has designed and delivered training across the sector and undertakes frequent consultancy projects on research integrity for a range of universities, as well international speaking engagements. He is a co-author of Epigeum’s “Research Integrity” international online training programme, along with four US-based authors; and Associate Editor for the Biomed Central journal "Research Integrity and Peer Review." E Mail:

Richard Race
Richard Race is Senior Lecturer in Education at Roehampton University. Richard has sat on ethics committees at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. He has been Programme Convener on MA Education for the last five years, as well as Programme Convener for MA (Education Sciences) in ASPETE, Athens, Greece. The second edition of his monograph, Multiculturalism and Education (Bloomsbury, London) was recently published. He is working on his second monograph, Integration and Education Policy-Making (Palgrave Macmillan, London).  He has also published a co-edited collection with Vini Lander in 2014: Advancing Race and Ethnicity in Education (Palgrave Macmillan, Houndsmills) E Mail:

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Sunday, June 21, 2015

Having the World in View Means Feeling It First

Ralph Bannell

Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain
London Branch
Presents: Having the world in view means feeling it first: the aesthetics of understanding
Ralph Bannell (Pontifícia Universidade Católica, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil)
Wednesday 24 June
Institute of Education, UCL, 20 Bedford Way
Room 828
5:30 – 7:15
All are welcome.
Paper attached here.

* Wednesday, 24th June, will be the last Philosophy of Education research seminar of this academic year. Please join us for an end-of-year party after the seminar and, if you can, bring along some food or drink to share.
We hope to see you there.

Ralph Bannell at Academia:

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Philosophical Perspectives on Teacher Education

A Book Launch
Philosophical Perspectives on Teacher Education
Edited by Ruth Heilbronn and Lorraine Foreman-Peck
Date: Tuesday 30 June
Time: 5:30 - 7:00
Place: Institute of Education, UCL, 20 Bedford Way
Room: 604

What does it mean to be a teacher in today’s world? And what makes a “good” one?
Judging by the wide disparities in contemporary teacher training and educational practices, it would seem that no one is quite sure.
Philosophical Perspectives on Teacher Education presents a series of ell-argued, thought-provoking essays that pointg to the ethical considerations that should be addressed when proposing and implementing teacher training and educational policies and practices.

Janet Orchard, Bristol University
David Aldridge, Oxford Brookes University
Padraig Hogan, National University of Ireland, Maynooth
Colin Wringe , Keele University

Please see attached flyer for information about the book. Book details are hyperlinked.
All are welcome.
Wine reception will follow.

‘Human Herbs’ – a song by Cold Hands & Quarter Moon:
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Friday, June 12, 2015

The University on Trial

The End(s) of the Legal Academy
The obituaries of academic freedom, the humanities, and indeed the university itself are coming to focus not just on the end of an erstwhile academy but also on what the ends, the purport, of the academy should and could now be. This workshop brings this concern to bear on the role of the legal academy, a role that is distinctive yet shared with other faculties in the university. It explores what that role imports for the character of being-together within the legal academy.

Organiser: Professor Peter Fitzpatrick

Wellbeing in the Legal Profession: Law Firms, Law Schools and the (Un)Happy Lawyer (or, what do we talk about, when we talk about wellbeing in law?)
Richard Collier, Law School, Newcastle University
Discussant: Fiona Macmillan, School of Law, Birkbeck, University of London

The Law School and the Force of Law
Patricia Tuitt, School of Law, Birkbeck, University of London
Discussant: Eddie Bruce-Jones,, School of Law, Birkbeck, University of London

The Structure of a University: Instrumentalism, Idealism and Forms of Life
Soo Tian Lee, School of Law, Birkbeck, University of London
Discussant: Matthew Charles, English, Linguistics and Cultural Studies, University of Westminster

Venue: Malet Street Building, Council Room


Part of Law on Trial 2015: The University on Trial, Birkbeck College, University of London, June 15-19 2015.

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Esotericism and the Cognitive Science of Religion

An Aries Special Issue

Together with Markus Altena Davidsen (Leiden University), I am setting up a special issue of Aries on “Esotericism and the Cognitive Science or Religion”. At this stage we are looking for abstracts from people who might be interested in contributing a full research article.
Please find details in the CfP, linked here and pasted below. Feel free to spread the word to anyone who might be interested in this project.
Call for Abstracts, Aries special issue on Esotericism and the Cognitive Science of Religion
(Edited by Egil Asprem and Markus Altena Davidsen)
The cognitive science of religion (CSR) and the academic study of Western esotericism have both made a significant impact on religious studies over the past two decades. The study of esotericism continues to deepen our understanding of the historical complexities of religion in the West, and has identified a number of blind-spots related to heterodox religion, radically experiential practices, and overlaps between “religion”, “magic”, and “science”.
Meanwhile, CSR is rapidly changing the way scholars think about and approach key processes of religious practice, adding important new experimental and analytic tools to the scholar’s toolbox. This special issue of Aries aims to explore the potential of bringing these two fruitful fields together. What happens when we apply CSR approaches to the empirical material studied by esotericism scholars? How can key areas of interest in the study of esotericism, such as the notion of (experiential) gnosis, correspondences, imagination, higher knowledge, rejected knowledge, magical thinking, secrecy, and initiation contribute to the development of new approaches in CSR? How can we think about ritual practices such as theurgy, divination, healing, and ceremonial magic in terms of CSR approaches to ritual? Moreover, how can we use CSR approaches to these issues to integrate the study of esotericism more firmly in the broader comparative study of religion?
We are looking to curate research articles that deal with these and related questions. We take an inclusive view of CSR, and are happy to consider approaches from e.g. personality- and social psychology. We are especially interested in hands-on approaches that demonstrate the use of CSR inspired methodology to esoteric subject matters. We look in particular for articles based on contemporary ethnographies, interview or experimental data, but are also open for articles that bring CSR to bear on historical sources. The important thing is that studies should be able to integrate cognitive and psychological perspectives with existing state-of-the-art scholarship on esotericism.
If you want to take part in this special issue, please send us an abstract of your proposed topic by June 15 2015. Please specify as far as possible the empirical scope of your proposed article, as well as the CSR approaches you plan to work with. Include a short bibliography of the key literature you intend to draw on. On the basis of received abstracts, we will invite authors to submit their completed articles for peer review. The deadline for receiving finished manuscripts will be February 1 2016.

Relevant subject matter includes but is not limited to:
·         New Age movement
·         Ritual magic
·         Channeling
·         Healing/holistic health
·         Correspondence thinking
·         Kabbalah / esoteric hermeneutics
·         Sex magic
·         Spiritualism
·         Neoshamanism
·         Contemporary paganism
·         Astrology
·         Alchemy
·         Western initiatory societies

Relevant CSR approaches include but are not limited to:
·         Epidemiological approaches to the spread of esoteric representations
·         Cognitive optimality theory (e.g., agency detection, promiscuous teleology, minimal counter-intuitiveness, theological correctness)
·         Cognitive ritual theory (e.g., ritual form hypothesis, two modes theory, cognitive resource depletion theory)
·         Embodied cognition
·         Neurocognitive, experimental, and psychological approaches to experiential practices
·         Personality and individual difference correlates for esoteric practitioners (e.g. positive schizotypy, absorption, hypnotizability)
·         Conceptual blending theory

Please email your proposed abstract to Egil Asprem ( and Markus Altena Davidsen ( If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us.

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Thursday, June 4, 2015

Recent Additions to Academic - June 2015


I have added a number of papers to Academia in the last few weeks.

This part of a long-term process of inserting all of my papers on Academia, including many that have not been published elsewhere, occasional and unfinished papers, and also a few ‘lost’ papers: i.e. those that were thought to have been lost but turned up in a search of my loft in 2012.

In addition, I have a number of hand-written papers which I will type up and put on Academia, but that process will have to wait a while.

Recent additions of mine to Academia include:

Lifelong Learning for a Learning Democracy

What Can Schools Do? Engineering Employers and Education

Only Charybdis: The Learning Society Through Idealism

If you have any problems downloading these documents then just click onto the Green ‘Download’ button and it should work.

Best wishes

Glenn Rikowski
London, 4th June 2015

Glenn Rikowski @ Academia: 

Research Bites

Eighth Biannual Graduate Student Conference of the German Program
Department of German and Romance Languages and Literature at the Johns Hopkins University
Realism Bites: Disruptive Realisms in Modernity
Keynote speakers:
Prof. Elisabeth Strowick, Johns Hopkins University
Prof. Timothy Brennan, University of Minnesota
November 6- 7, 2015
The Johns Hopkins University

All the fissures and rents which are inherent in the historical situation must be drawn into the form-giving process and cannot nor should be disguised by compositional means.
(György Lukács, The Theory of the Novel)

The term realism has been associated with multiple artistic practices, styles and movements from nineteenth-century bourgeois realism to socialist realism, surrealism, Italian neorealism, magical realism, and postmodern hyperrealism. Its repetitions and invocations express a commitment to and a struggle for reality, rearticulating the political, social and epistemological functions and meanings of art. As a form of "Darstellung der Wirklichkeit," it carries the tension of a set of oppositions: the reality that is and the reality that ought to be; an objective and verisimilar reproduction and a poetic constitution of reality; a conventional mode and personal expression of reality.
György Lukács emphasized the necessity for a “critical realism,” one that is determined by a critical perception and mediation of social contradictions, rather than their naïve reproduction. The notion of unity, so important for the Lukácsian concept of ‘critical realism,’ refers not only to the realist novel’s capacity to reveal the totality of social relations, but also to its depiction of the individual’s striving to reach totality as a mode of being. Even though, Lukács considered the novel as the primary form for the critical depiction of the modern conditio humana, the question can be raised whether “critical realism” functions more as an epistemo-critical concept than as a rigid genre definition. Since Lukács, many scholars and artists have called into question his notion of totality and human agency, and contested h is definition of art as a representational medium that reveals a social totality. Should we, as Fredric Jameson has suggested, hold on to a concept of totality, when discussing current “problems of realism?” How do the various forms of realism relate to what Lukács - justifiably or not – has identified as the pseudo-objectivity of Naturalism, on the one hand, and extreme subjectivism, on the other? Can one actualize critical realisms for a critique of representation? And in what way do contemporary reassessments and actualizations of realisms repeat or reverse traditional dichotomies, such as those between idealism and realism, nominalism and realism, realism and modernism?

This call for paper invites submissions from a wide variety of disciplines that discuss competing aesthetic strategies. Presentations should not exceed 20 minutes.
Please submit abstracts (300-500 words) with your name and affiliation to Esther Edelmann and Christiane Ketteler at by August 13, 2015.
Topics may include, but are not limited to:
·         * Realism repeated: Realism after Modernism
·         * Avant-garde "realities"
·         * Antinomies and instabilities within classical realisms
·         * The reception of realisms and its historical conditions
·         * Realisms, political movements and alliances
·         * Speculative Realism and the constitution and emergence of objects
·         * Excessive Realism or new possibilities of perceptions of objects
·         * Productive realisms or the emergence of new orders
·         * Realisms (false) friends: Reportage, Travelogue, and Documentary
·         * The Real and the Reality Principle
·         * Capitalist Realism and the limits and problems in representing global capitalism and its alternatives
·         * Theories and Projects of Mapping
·        *  Hyperrealism and the Desert of the Real / The Spectacle of Reality
·         * Abject Realisms and the abjected within Realism
·         * Realism and the Dissolutions of boundaries between the arts
·         * Realism, Nominalism, Idealism, (New) Materialism
·         * Realism, Romanticism, Symbolism
·         Post/Colonial Realisms
·         * Feminist Realism
·         * Realism and the Problem of Exemplarity
·        *  “Wirklichkeit als das Wirkende”

‘Human Herbs’ – a song by Cold Hands & Quarter Moon:
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Monday, June 1, 2015

Marx and Philosophy Society Review of Books - May 2015


New reviews and an updated list of books for review recently published online in the Marx and Philosophy Review of Books

·         Michael Maidan on FoucaultLectures on the Will to Know
·         Pete Green on books by Dunn and Radice on global capitalism
·         Sean Ledwith on RothGreece What Is to Be Done?
·         Nathan Wood on Naomi KleinThis Changes Everything
·         Alex Cistelecan on Marxism and the Critique of Value
·         Daniel Fraser on Fredric JamesonThe Antinomies of Realism

To receive notification of new reviews and comments when they appear join the Marx and Philosophy Society’s email list or follow us on facebook
 or twitter.

Marx and Philosophy Society:

‘Human Herbs’ – a song by Cold Hands & Quarter Moon:
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