Monday, March 10, 2014

Left Forum 2014: Reform and/or Revolution


Left Forum 2014
May 30 – June 1, 2014
John Jay College of Criminal Justice, The City University of New York
524 West 59th Street, New York, NY, 10019

Imagining a World with Transformative Justice 
The world remains mired in the 7th year of capitalist crisis. The celebrated "recovery" benefits only the few who generated the crisis, while endless economic declines beset its victims, the vast majority. Economic, political and cultural inequalities deepen inside every country. Class divisions sharpen. Social injustice brings us all to breaking points.
Big business and the rich maximize social controls to protect and preserve their dominance. Everywhere they and their politicians impose austerities while reserving public resources to bail out banks and other failed mega-corporations. Capitalism's "new normal" for most people features poor job and income prospects, unsustainable debts, ecological decline, and right-wingers aiming to deflect social discontent against their usual scapegoats.
Human and natural resources wasted and abused expose this system's immense social costs. Even as the environmental crisis reaches epic proportions, the forces of capital either sit idly by or actively oppose serious measures to address it. We can surely do better than this system. The 1% have managed the crisis for their benefit.
The question is whether we can now solve the crisis and build a system that serves instead the 99%. This question is on the minds of millions now, more than at any time in half a century. The Left Forum 2014 offers a place for us to explore and debate our common needs for reforms, a revolution, or both.
As the system fails so many so badly, activists for democracy, sustainability, equality, and the abolition of oppression and exploitation increasingly grasp their shared demand for basic social justice. Fifty years of anti-communism, anti-radicalism, hesitant social criticism, and activists' mutual suspicions are fading into irrelevance.
Pressing questions loom for justice-seeking social forces: What is to be done today when a reform brings us one step forward, while leaving other important struggles worse off in the process? What type of movements will it take to overcome such challenges? What type of institutions, systems and societal conditions are possible when transformed conditions of justice no longer take the forms of, "the aggrieved speaking to the grievance alleviators"? How do these issues raise the question of the relation of reform to revolution? More than ever, people know that a new and different world is urgently needed. How do we get there from here: reforms, revolution, or strategic combinations of both?
Please come analyze, debate, build, ally, and strategize at Left Forum, 2014.  
Register for the conference – here while early discounts last
​​Call for Panels/Workshops: Download or forward – here 
Please Forward Far and Wide


‘Human Herbs’ – a song by Cold Hands & Quarter Moon:

Posted here by Glenn Rikowski
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