Thursday, February 27, 2014

Why do Internships and Placements?

Society for Research into Higher Education
Why do Internships and Placement Matter? Further Sharing of Current Research
Date - Friday 2 May 2014, 11:00-15:45
Venue - SRHE, 73 Collier Street, London, N1 9BE
Network - Network for Employability, Enterprise and Work based Learning

This session is run jointly with the Association of Sandwich Education and Training (ASET)
We had so much interest in our first special interest group session on placements and internships that we are hosting another session on the topic.  Feedback from our sessions has shown that participants would like more opportunity to hear about current research and to discuss it.  We have, therefore, asked some more of our members to talk about their research.  At this session the themes will be short placements, third sector internships, internships for postgraduate students and placements in art and design.  The session will begin with a challenge from our keynote speaker, Andy Phippen, from Plymouth Business School, who will talk on Placements and Internships: Opportunities beyond the Student Experience.
11:00 Introductions
11:15 Keynote 1:  Andy Phippen, Associate Head (External Relations)
Plymouth Business School
Placements and Internships – Opportunities Beyond the Student Experience?
12:00 Showcasing of current placement research 1
Among the topics: Short placements
  Third sector internships
  Internships for PG students
  Placements in Art and Design
12:45 Discussion:  Emerging issues for research
13:15 Lunch and networking
14:00 Showcasing of current placement research 2
15:00 Discussion panel of research contributors
15:30 Final remarks and conclusions
15:45 Close

If you are currently working on research into any kind of employability, enterprise and workbased learning and would like to share your work at later events, please contact us on
Professor Helen E Higson OBE, Professor of Higher Education Learning and Management, Deputy Vice Chancellor, Aston University
Dr Richard Blackwell, Deputy Vice Chancellor, Southampton Solent University

To reserve a place at this seminar:

Note: Unless otherwise stated SRHE events are free to members, there is a charge of £45 for non-members


'Cheerful Sin' – a song by Victor Rikowski:

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Forum hosted by John McDonnell MP
Revolution or Reaction? Crisis in Ukraine

‘Eyewitness Report by Ukrainian Socialist
COMMONS: Journal of Social Criticism

6:00 PM Committee Room 12,
House of Commons
Via main St Stephens entrance,
Westminster tube


'Cheerful Sin' – a song by Victor Rikowski:

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Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Transcending Capitalism, in Theory and in Practice


SUNDAY, MARCH 16, 2014
6:00-8:00 PM
Westside Peace Center
3916 Sepulveda Blvd., near Venice Blvd. (free parking in rear)
Suite 101-102, press #22 at door to get into building
Culver City (LA area)

SARAH MASON, former Occupy LA activist

In contrast to the traditional view that Marx’s work is restricted to a critique of capitalism and does not contain a detailed or coherent conception of its alternative, this presentation will show, through an analysis of his published and unpublished writings, that Marx was committed to a specific concept of a post-capitalist society that informed his critique of value production, alienated labor and capitalist accumulation. Instead of focusing on the present with only a passing reference to the future, Marx’s emphasis on capitalism’s tendency towards dissolution is rooted in a specific conception of what should replace it. In critically re-examining that conception, this book addresses the quest for an alternative to capitalism that has taken on increased importance today.


Sponsored by the West Coast Chapter, International Marxist-Humanist Organization

Join our new Facebook page: "International Marxist-Humanist Organization"


'Cheerful Sin' – a song by Victor Rikowski:

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Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Immiseration, Capitalism and Education: Austerity, Resistance and Revolt - A New Edited Collection by Dave Hill


Immiseration, Capitalism and Education: Austerity, Resistance and Revolt
Edited by Dave Hill
Institute for Education Policy Studies
ISBN: 978-0-9522042-3-7
This is an important and astonishing book. It is a Marxist book. It systematically charts and critiques the havoc being wreaked by neoliberal and neoconservative Capitalism on society, on schooling/ schools and on higher education, across five countries: the USA, England, Turkey, Ireland and Greece. Following a theoretical chapter on Immiseration Capitalism, the first part of the book examines in detail the destructiveness and degradation effected by national and transnational Capital within these five societies, and the privatising, marketising, commodifying, degrading and impoverishing impacts within these five countries’ broader society, within/on the schooling system and within / on higher education.
Very importantly, the book goes beyond critique, beyond deconstruction, beyond anger and analysis. In Part Two of the book, leading Marxist analysts and activists from these five countries examine the Resistance to neoliberalising/neoconservatising policy and practice. In each case writers answer the question: What is the ‘Resistance’? Where is the Resistance? How is it Organised? How Successful is it? What are the Barriers to its Effectiveness? How can it be Developed to be more Effective?
In the Third and Final section, writers look to past and contemporary successful examples of Socialist Education, in the former Soviet bloc, and in Latin America, Venezuela. Again, writers, while noting the varied successes of such socialist or Marxist education, always remain critical- and self-critical.
The Conclusion, building on the critique within, summarises, and looks to the future, in terms of building the disparate resistance within schooling, higher education, communities and within the national societies- learning internationally. This book, written by noted and leading Marxist authors and activists, is an important contribution to Marxist education and broader theory- but also a spur to revolutionary anti-capitalist praxis-in education and beyond.
Foreword by Peter McLaren
Introduction: Dave Hill
PART 1: Austerity Capitalism, Immiseration and Education
1. Immiseration Capitalism Curry Malott, Dave Hill & Grant Banfield
2. Austerity Capitalism and Education in Greece Panagiotis Sotiris
3. Austerity Capitalism and Education in Ireland Martin Power, Micheal O’Flynn, Aline Courtois & Margaret Kennedy
4. Austerity Capitalism and Education in Britain Dave Hill, Christine Lewis, Alpesh Maisuria & Patrick Yarker
5. Austerity Capitalism and Education in Turkey Fevziye Sayilan & Nuray Turkmen
6. Austerity Capitalism and Education in the USA Curry Malott & Faith Agostinone-Wilson
PART 2: Activism within/ against Immiseration Capitalism
7. Resistance in Greece Leonidas Vatikiotis and Maria Nikolakaki
8. Resistance in Ireland Micheal O’Flynn, Martin Power, Conor McCabe & Henry Silke
9. Resistance in Britain Joyce Canaan, Dave Hill, & Alpesh Maisuria
10. Resistance in Turkey Kemal İnal & H. Tuğba Öztürk
11. Resistance in the USA Curry Malott & Faith Agostinone-Wilson
PART 3: Peripheries
12. Immiseration Capitalism or Twenty-First century Socialism? Mike Cole & Peter McLaren
13. A view from the post-socialist ‘new periphery’ Bill Templer
14. Conclusion: Capitalism, Resistance and Dave Hill, Bill Templer, Panagiotis Sotiris,
What is to be Done? Grant Banfield & Faith Agostinone-Wilson

Price £22 inc post and packaging

Dave Hill is a Marxist academic and political and educational activist. He has fought ten elections in England at local, national and European levels, been an elected trade union regional leader and, when the Labour Party was left-wing, was a Labour Group (Council) Leader. In terms of Direct Action, he has recently been tear-gassed while on anti-government demonstrations in Athens and Ankara and is an activist in TUSC (the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition) and in Left Unity.  He co-founded the Hillcole Group of Radical left Educators in 1989 and chaired it until 2001, founded the Institute for Education Policy Studies ( in 1989 and set up the Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies ( in 2003. Since then, it, a free online peer-reviewed journal, has been downloaded a million times- free of charge. The journal went into print production in 2012 (available for purchase). He is Research Professor of Education at Anglia Ruskin University, England, and Visiting Professor of Critical Policy and Equality Studies at the University of Limerick, Ireland, and Visiting Professor of Education at  the Universities of Middlesex, London, England, and Athens, Greece.


'Cheerful Sin' – a song by Victor Rikowski:
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Conference on the Nature and Value of Childhood

16-17 May 2014
University of Sheffield, UK

Currently there is widespread philosophical interest in children’s rights, parental rights and duties, and wider issues concerning good parenting and the social organisation of childrearing. Yet, to fully address these topics one needs to assume an answer to the question of ’What is a child?’ To know who owes what to children in any detail, we need to know what distinguishes childhood from adulthood, and to answer questions about the relative value of childhood and adulthood in the overall life of a human being.
This conference brings together philosophers interested in a cluster of questions that have not been sufficiently discussed so far, but which are starting to draw philosophical attention: What is childhood? Is childhood good intrinsically, or only as preparation for adulthood? If it is intrinsically good, does it have special value – would it be a loss, from the perspective of an entire human life, if one missed out on childhood? Are there any ‘intrinsic goods of childhood’, and what are they? Do we owe children things that are different in nature from the things owed to adults?

Monika Betzler (Berne) ‘Good childhood and the good life’
Teresa Blankmeyer Burke (Gallaudet): ‘The Nature and Value of a Deaf Childhood’
Samantha Brennan (Western Ontario) ‘Trust, time, and play: Three intrinsic goods of childhood’
Matthew Clayton (Warwick) ‘Dignity as an ideal for children’
Jurgen De Wispelaere (McGill) ‘Political rights for Rugrats: Children in the democratic state’
Timothy Fowler (Bristol) ‘Variety is the spice of life?: On the possible significance of their being intrinsic goods of childhood’
Colin Macleod (Victoria) ‘Just schools and good fun: Non-preparatory dimensions of educational justice’
Serena Olsaretti (ICREA/Pompeu Fabra University) ‘Egoism, altruism and the special duties of parents’
Norvin Richards (Alabama) ‘The intrinsic goods of childhood’
Judith Suissa (London) ‘Narrativity, childhood and parenting’
Patrick Tomlin (Reading) ‘Saplings or caterpillars?: Trying to understand children”
Daniel Weinstock (McGill) ‘On the complementarity of the ages of life: Why we wouldn’t want adulthood without childhood, or childhood without

The conference will take place on the 16th and 17th of May 2014 at the University of Sheffield, Jessops West Exhibition Space.

For more details get in touch with the organisers: Anca Gheaus ( or Lindsey Porter (
The conference is sponsored by the Society for Applied Philosophy, The Mind Association and The Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain.

Thanks to Pedagogy & the Inhumanities for alerting me to this interesting and important conference: Glenn Rikowski


'Cheerful Sin' – a song by Victor Rikowski:

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Saturday, February 22, 2014

The Philosophers' Mail


What This Is All About

The Philosopher's Mail is a new news organisation, with bureaux in London, Amsterdam and Melbourne, run and staffed entirely by philosophers.
It is committed to bringing you the latest, biggest stories, as interpreted by philosophers rather than journalists.
Why did this organisation start? Because today, the most attractive, charming, sexy and compelling news outlets enjoy unparalled influence over the minds of tens of millions of people. But unfortunately, they rarely put out content that might make the world a better place.
At the same time, there are lots of serious, earnest good people attempting to change things, but they put out publications full of very interesting and dense articles that only reach tiny and already-convinced audiences.
So the good ideas go nowhere and the not-so-great ideas mesmerise us from every screen. Therefore, the world doesn't change.
The goal of the Philosopher's Mail is to prove a genuinely popular and populist news outlet which at the same time is alive to traditional philosophical virtues.
For too long, philosophers have been happy merely to be wise and right. This has offered them huge professional satisfaction but it has not influenced the course of society. The average work of philosophy currently reaches 300 people.
Hence the challenge that explains the birth of The Philosophers' Mail, a new media outlet rooted in popular interests, sensibilities and inclinations of the day - but that tries to read and caption the news with an eye to traditional central philosophical concerns - for compassion, truth, justice, complexity, calm, empathy and wisdom.
The site views the rolling succession of the day's news as an occasion for the development of insight, generosity and emotional intelligence.
News is not simply information about what is happening in the world. It is one of the key places where we daily shape our underlying assumptions about life - about what is important, admirable, scandalous, normal; where we rehearse attitudes to fear, hope, good and evil. This is why the news is a major target of concern for real philosophers.
The Philosophers' Mail makes use of popular starting points - the stories a lot of people like to read and talk about already. It is generous to our natural inclinations: to read celebrity gossip, look at erotic images and read shock stories. It is sympathetic (as a starting point) to popular biases: anxiety about whatever feels foreign, a taste for vengeance, lack of empathy for the very poor, envy of the very rich, resentment of the powerful, suspicion of those who seem clever, dislike of awkward truths...
We start by acknowledging such attitudes: it isn't strange to be unnerved by a Romanian family begging on a French train; it would be thrilling to have sex with Jennifer Lawrence; one can empathise with the feeling that George Osborne doesn't quite know what real life is like; it is natural to want to switch off when hearing about trouble in Africa.
We don't start by asking what the wise or good or serious outlook might be. There are plenty of people pushing such lines already - for that one could turn to the Economist, or the New York Times.
The epochal challenge is to reach the people who don't engage with complex news.


'Cheerful Sin' – a song by Victor Rikowski:

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Dr. Glenn Rikowski

Glenn Rikowski

Anglia Ruskin University
Department of Education
Chelmsford Site
Bishops Hall Lane
Chelmsford, Essex

2013-2014 Joint Research Meetings: Critical Education and Justice (CEJ) and Early Childhood Research Group (ECRG)

Weds 12 March 2014
CEJ led Research Seminar
Room: SAW 005

Dr. Glenn Rikowski will speak on Crisis and Education
Rikowski is an independent education researcher based in London. Until 31st October 2013, he was a Senior Lecturer in Education Studies in the School of Education at the University of Northampton. A number of his papers can be found online at Academia:

Chelmsford Campus Map:

'Cheerful Sin' – a song by Victor Rikowski:

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Friday, February 21, 2014

Capitalist Markets in Higher Education

Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE)
Capitalist Markets in Higher Education: Utopias or Possibilities
Date - Wednesday, 16 April 2014: 14.00-16.00
Venue - University of Bath, Bath, UK
Network - South West Regional Network

Speaker: Professor Simon Marginson, Institute of Education

For more than two decades, governments around the world, led by the English-speaking polities, have moved higher education systems closer to the forms of textbook economic markets. Reforms include corporatisation, competitive funding, student charges, output formats and performance reporting. But, no country has established a bona fide economic market in the first-degree education of domestic students. No research university is driven by shareholders, profit, market share, allocative efficiency or the commodity form. There is commercial tuition only in parts of vocational training and international education. At the most, there are regulated quasi-markets, as in post-Browne UK. This differs from the experience of privatisation and commercialisation of transport, communications broadcasting and health insurance in many nations. The article argues that bona fide market reform in higher education is constrained by intrinsic limits specific to the sector (public goods, status competition), and political factors associated with those limits. This suggests that market reform is utopian, and the abstract ideal is sustained for exogenous policy reasons (e.g. fiscal reduction, state control, ordering of contents). But, if capitalist markets are clearly unachievable, a more authentic modernisation agenda is needed.

Simon worked as a Professor of Higher Education at the University of Melbourne in Australia prior to starting at the Institute of Education in October 2013. His research and scholarship draw broadly on the social sciences and political philosophy, and are focused primarily on higher education policy, systems and institutions. Most of his projects are in comparative and international higher education. In the last decade he has conducted extended inquiries into higher education and globalization, and higher education and research in East Asia. His current research includes a comparative project on the role of higher education in constructing public good, which examines the intersection between on one hand state traditions and political cultures, on the other hand educational practices. In 2014 Simon will deliver the biannual Clark Kerr lectures on higher education in the University of California system. He is Joint Editor-in-Chief of the journal Higher Education.

Too book a place please email Rajani Naidoo at


'Cheerful Sin' – a song by Victor Rikowski:

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Artistic Lives


Artistic Lives
Kirsten Forkert, Birmingham City University
Tuesday February 25th @ University of Essex
3-5PM, Room LTB B

Kirsten Forkert will talk about her recently published book, Artistic Lives (Ashgate 2013), which is based on interview material with artists and arts professionals in London and Berlin, together with ethnographic descriptions and analyses of social and urban policy. The book examines how artists support themselves within rapidly changing urban environments – and how they contend with the effects of property bubbles, precarious employment, uncertain funding and policies that position cultural workers at the centre of economic development with little concern for they actually make ends meet. The book examines the myth that artists can create something from nothing, and engages with
debates surrounding Post-Fordism, gentrification and the nature of authorship, to raise challenging questions about the function of culture and the role of artists within contemporary capitalism.

Kirsten will discuss her motivations for starting the project, share the main findings of the research (which was carried out during the first phase of the recession) and reflect on the implications in the present context.

Kirsten Forkert is a researcher and activist, and lecturer in media theory at Birmingham City University. Prior to working at BCU, she taught at a number of institutions during and after completing her PhD in the department of Media and Communications at Goldsmiths. Her work is based within cultural studies, but draws on other disciplines, including sociology, urban studies and critical theory. It has been published in CITY, Third Text and various edited collections, as well as in Mute and Variant. Prior to academia, she worked in media art, new media and community media in Canada and the US, as a freelance practitioner. She is now developing new research on the cultural politics of austerity, and is involved in a collaborative, ESRC funded project mapping the controversies around Home Office campaigns.

Sponsored by the Centre for Work, Organization, and Society

This seminar is part of an ongoing workshop series on artist collectives.

Further events this spring will include the Nanopolitics group (March 5th), Max Haiven from the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design (March 19th), Jeremy Gilbert from the University of East London (April 29th), and others.

For more information contact Stevphen Shukaitis:


'Cheerful Sin' – a song by Victor Rikowski:

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Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Anatomy of Failure


The Unit for Global Justice, Goldsmiths, and the Collège International de Philosophie, Paris invite you to a book discussion on:
Oliver Feltham's Anatomy of Failure: Philosophy and Political Action (Bloomsbury, 2013)
Modern liberalism begins in the forgetting of the English Revolution. Anatomy of Failure seeks to right that wrong by exploring the concept of political action, playing its history against its philosophy. The 1640s are a period of institutional failure and political disaster: the country plunges into civil war, every agent is naked. Established procedures are thrown aside and the very grounds for action are fiercely debated and recast.
Five queries emerge in the experience of the New Model Army, five queries that outline an anatomy of failure, isolating the points at which actors disagree, conflict flares up, and alliances dissolve: Who can act? On what grounds? Who is right about what is to be done? Why do we succeed or fail? If you and I split, were we ever united, and to what end? The application of these questions to the Leveller-agitator writings, and then to Thomas Hobbes and John Locke's philosophies, generates models of political action. No mere philosophical abstractions, the Hobbesian and Lockean models of sovereign and contractual  action have dominated the very practice of politics for centuries. Today it is time to recuperate the Leveller-agitator model of joint action, a model unique in its adequacy to the threat of failure and in its vocation for building the common-wealth. 

Filippo Del Lucchese, Brunel University, London
Peter D. Thomas, Brunel University, London
Alberto Toscano, Goldsmiths College, London
Oliver Feltham, American University of Paris

Saturday 22 February 2014
4:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Ben Pimlott Building Lecture Theatre
Goldsmiths, University of London
New Cross, London SE14 6NW

The event is supported by:
Collège International de Philosophie, Paris
Unit for Global Justice, Goldsmiths College, London


'Cheerful Sin' – a song by Victor Rikowski:

Posted here by Glenn Rikowski
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The Power of the Monstrous


The Power of the Monstrous: a Seminar Series and an International Conference
Identity, Alterity, Monstrosity: Figures of the multitude
Seminar Series
Queen Mary, University of London
Mile End road
London E1 4NS
Arts Two Building, room 3.16
All meetings @ 5 p.m.

26 February
Filippo Del Lucchese (Brunel University, London and Collège international de philosophie) and Caroline Williams (Queen Mary, University of London), The Power of the Monstrous

26 March
Oliver Feltham (American University of Paris), Who is the ruling authority? Spinoza and Hobbes on power and subjectivity
Andrea Bardin (Brunel University, London),  The Early-Modern Metamorphosis of the Body Politic: Hobbes’s Anomaly

14 May
Jason Read (University of Southern Maine), The Affective Composition of the Political: From Negative Solidarity to Collective Indignatio

11 June
Dimitris Vardoulakis (University of Western Sidney), "The main political question is to identify the enemy": Negri's Monster.

The Power of the Monstrous
International Conference
Brunel University, London
School of Social Sciences
Uxbridge UB8 3PH
Gaskell building, room 239
26-27 June 2014 @ 9.30 a.m.

Laurent Bove (Université de Picardie, Emeritus), La monstruosité chez Camus: de l’absurde à l’histoire
Fabio Frosini (Università di Urbino), Absolute and relative perfection of the "monsters": politics and history in Giacomo Leopardi 
Annie Ibrahim (Former programme director at the Collège international de philosophie, and Groupe d'études du matérialisme rationnel) Les monstres de Diderot, entre physiologie et politique
Arnaud Milanese (ENS, Lyon and CERPHI), The Beast and the Sovereign according to Hobbes
Vittorio Morfino (Università di Milano-Bicocca), Lucretius and Monsters: Between Bergson and Canguilhem
Mark Neocleous (Brunel University, London), The Monster and the Police
Sue Ruddick (University of Toronto), Monstrous Earth
Yannis Stavrakakis (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki): Irrational, Extreme, Populist: The New Fear of the Masses in Debt Society
Amy Stefanovic (The School of Humanities and Communication Arts. The University of Western Sydney) The Extralegal Beast: On Hobbes and Sovereignty
Lasse Thomassen (Queen Mary, University of London) Monstrous Masses Beyond Representation: the Spanish Indignados
Andrea Torrano (Universidad Nacional de Cordoba), The Political Monster between Sovereignity and Biopolitics

Info and booking:
The seminar series and the conference are supported by:
Collège International de Philosophie, Paris
TheoryLAB, London
School of Politics and International Relations, Queen Mary, University of London
School of Social Sciences, Brunel University, London
CERPHI: Institut d’histoire de la pensée classique, Lyon


'Cheerful Sin' – a song by Victor Rikowski:

Posted here by Glenn Rikowski
All that is Solid for Glenn Rikowski:
The Flow of Ideas:

Glenn Rikowski on Facebook at:

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Global Conference on Contemporary Issues in Education (GLOBEDU-2014)

Call for Abstract Submission!
Global Conference on Contemporary Issues in Education (GLOBEDU-2014)
12-14 July 2014
Stratosphere Hotel & Tower Convention Center,
Las Vegas, USA

Dear Colleagues
We would like to invite you to become together with more than one thousand academicians from 56 different countries, and also give opportunity to make your abstracts published by International Publishers (in the process of agreement) or by Awer-Center Proceedings Journals indexed by AWER INDEX and they will also be submitted to SCOPUS, EBSCO, THOMSON REUTERSCONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS CITATION INDEX (ISI WEB OF SCIENCE) for evaluation for inclusion in the list.
We would like to provide contribution to bring forth you academic qualities.
Due Dated Abstract Submissions: 12 April 2014
Abstracts must be written in English, and can be sent as an email attach to 
Hope to meet you in Las Vegas, USA
Prof. Dr. Gul Celkan
President of the Conference

GLOBEDU-2014 includes all theoretical and practical knowledge about learning, teaching and education. For more information

Dr. Stephen W. Harmon, President, the Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Professor and Chair, Learning Technologies Division, College of Education Georgia State University
Dr. Colla Jean MacDonald, Professor, Faculty of Education, University of Ottawa, Canada
Dr. Ampere A. Tseng, Professor, Arizona State University, USA

Cleveland State University
Middle Georgia State College
Near East University
Bahcesehir University
Johns Hopkins University
Queensland University of Technology
University of Alcala
University of Nevada Las Vegas

Accepted full papers will be published by International Publishers (in the process of agreement) or by Awer-Center Proceedings Journals indexed by AWER INDEX and they will also be submitted to SCOPUS, EBSCO, THOMSON REUTERSCONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS CITATION INDEX (ISI WEB OF SCIENCE) for evaluation for inclusion in the list.

Australian Journal of Guidance and Counselling (Indexed in SSCI)
British Journal of Educational Technology (Indexed in SSCI)
Asia Pacific Education Review (Indexed in SSCI)
Educational Technology Research and Development (Indexed in SSCI)
South African Journal of Psychology, (Indexed in SSCI)
Perspectives in Education (Indexed in SSCI)
Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences
World Journal on Educational Technology
Contemporary Educational Researches Journal
International Journal on Learning and Teaching
Global journal on Counseling and Guidance

· The languages of the conference are English.
· Abstracts and full papers must be in English.

· The abstracts can be one-page long (250-300 words). 
· The abstract include Problem Statement, Purpose of Study, Methods, Findings and Results, and Conclusions and Recommendations.
· If your paper is not completed, it might be included only your study proposal.
· The abstracts must be included the authors’ names, surnames, affiliations, departments, email addresses and phone numbers.
· Abstracts can be submitted through
· or attached to

· You can participate to the conference with paper or poster presentation, pannel and workshop.
· Participants who cannot particiate physically should prefer virtual presentation. These participants must uploaded skype on their computers. For more info:

Abstract Submissions: April 12, 2014*
Full Paper Submission: May 12, 2014**
Early Hotel Reservation: May 12, 2014
Early Registration: May 12, 2014
Conference Dates: July 12-14, 2014
Camera Ready Submission: July 25, 2014                                    
* After the submission date, the authors of abstracts will be notified in 4 day
** After the submission date, the authors of full paper will be notified in 20 day                                

Stratosphere Hotel & Tower Convention Center, Las Vegas, USA. We were special agreement with the Hotels for GLOBEDU-2014 participants only. The rate start from 35 USD for Double room.

For more information:


'Cheerful Sin' – a song by Victor Rikowski:

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