Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Marxist Essays on Neoliberalism, Class, 'Race', Capitalism and Education - a new book by Dave Hill

Dave Hill
Foreword by Peter McLaren
Published by the Institute for Education Policy Studies at

Marxist Essays on Neoliberalism, Class, ‘Race’, Capitalism and Education
Published September 2013

With the onset of Austerity Capitalism and Immiseration Capitalism, and with the increasing commodification, marketisation and privatisation of society and of education, Marxist theory and Marxist Education Theory have taken on a new urgency. This is particularly so in the face of the `class war from above’ , in which bankers and the capitalist class gets ever richer, while the living standards, public and formerly public institutions and the material conditions of life are diminished and degraded.  

In this collection of essays, written from a classic Marxist perspective, and fired with a cold anger and incisive analysis, Dave Hill lays bare how the capitalist class and their often unwitting helpers in the knowledge industry/ academia, use ideological (and repressive) state apparatuses, such as education,  to divide, disarm and demoralise critical, Marxist analysis and activism.

In this powerful collection, Dave Hill, a Marxist academic, activist in academia and on the streets in different countries,  catalogues and castigates Capitalist / pro-capitalist depredation both within the academy, within classrooms and within society. But in this volume, there is more than critique- there is a call to action, a call for anger and analysis, a demand for theoretically informed practice in the different arenas of Resistance.
Foreword: Peter McLaren
Introduction: Dave Hill

PART 1: Class and “Race”
1. Social Class and Education
2. The Culturalization of Class and the Occluding of Class Consciousness: The Knowledge Industry in/of Education.
3. Culturalist and Materialist Explanations of Class and ‘Race’: Critical Race Theory, Equivalence / Parallelist Theory and Marxist Theory

PART 2: Neoliberalism, Immiseration and Workers’ Rights
4. Books, Banks and Bullets: Controlling our minds - the global project of imperialistic and militaristic
neo-liberalism and its effect on education policy
5. Globalisation and its educational discontents: Neoliberalisation and its impacts on education
workers’ rights, pay, and conditions.
6. Embourgeoisment, Immiseration, Commodification – Marxism Revisited: a Critique of Education in Capitalist Systems
7. Immiseration Capitalism, Activism and Education: Resistance, Revolt and Revenge.

Price £22 inc post and packaging
ISBN 978-0-9522042


Cold Hands & Quarter Moon, ‘Stagnant’ at: (new remix, and new video, 2012)  
'Cheerful Sin' – a song by Victor Rikowski:

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