Thursday, September 12, 2013

Capitalism in the Classroom


Call for Papers:
Capitalism in the Classroom: Neoliberalism, Education and Progressive Alternatives

Conference & Special Issue Call For Papers
Alternate Routes: A Journal of Critical Social Research
Edited by Carlo Fanelli (Ryerson University) and Bryan Evans (Ryerson University)
Capitalism in the Classroom: Neoliberalism, Education and Progressive Alternatives

As the austerity agenda intensifies, this special issue of Alternate Routes is seeking papers that explore how education is being restructured in light of market pressures to commodify and marketize learning and teaching from pre-school to post-secondary education and beyond. The conference will be held on Friday April 4, 2014 at Ryerson University. Paper proposals may include but are not limited to: How have state policies increased pressures to corporatize and privatize public education? How have children and youth programs been affected? How has the quality of work and labour been impacted? How have intersecting axes of oppression related to class, race, ethnicity, gender and so forth been reinforced or contested in the classroom? In what ways have student curriculums and teachers’ academic freedoms been affected? Have educators and employees challenged such pressures? What role have trade union and community activists played in challenging the prerogatives of capitalism in the classroom? Are there progressive educational alternatives to neoliberalism?
Additional topics may include: ongoing theoretical debates; community outreach and education campaigns; cross-sectoral and international comparisons; new pedagogical methods and policy proposals for schooling and education; corporate influences on campus and in the classroom; new technologies and online-learning; publishing and dissemination of research; new public management and academic/non-academic labour; and social justice activism.
Conference submissions must be received no later than January 5, 2014. Please include an abstract no longer than 300-words and brief biography. Conference decisions will be made within one week. 
If you are interested in submitting an article but cannot attend the conference, articles must be submitted by May 15, 2014
New authors are encouraged to visit for author guidelines and additional information. Conference proposals and article submissions must be sent directly to
For all other inquiries, please visit  or send an email to

ISSN: 1923-7081


Cold Hands & Quarter Moon, ‘Stagnant’ at: (new remix, and new video, 2012)  
'Cheerful Sin' – a song by Victor Rikowski:

Posted here by Glenn Rikowski
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The Flow of Ideas:
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