Sunday, January 20, 2013

Rouge Forum Dispatch: 20th January 2013


Dear Friends, The Dispatch is updated here:

Please remember: Rouge Forum 2013, Winning the Class Struggle Against Corporate Education Reform, May 16-19, 2013, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan

Rouge Forum 2013 Call for Proposals

The core issue of our time is the clash of the real promise for perpetual war and booming inequality met by the potential of connecting
reason to power with organized mass class conscious resistance in schools, on the job, in communities, and in the military….and what you
do counts!

The Rouge Forum brings together academic presentations and panel discussions, performances, community building, and cultural events. This conference will center on such questions as:
* Overall, what do we need to know and what do we need to do to win against corporate education reform in our classrooms?
* In what ways are our classrooms, schools, universities, unions, etc. occupied by capitalism, the military, racism, inequality?
* And what do these occupations demand from us pedagogically?
* What are the obstacles that must be overcome to achieve democratic education?
* What can we learn from Wisconsin 2011, the Occupy Movement, and the Chicago Teacher’s Strike to make us smarter and stronger in our struggle against corporate education reform?
* How do we educate to liberate ourselves from the impact of empire?
* How  do we push back against the imperializing of our classrooms and communities?
* How do we occupy our classrooms, schools universities, and unions and communities in an effort to create education that is in the public interests?

Calling on artists… Pop up radical art gallery would be for artists to submit 2-3 D pieces that they can bring with them to the conference to
display as part of an opening or Friday/Saturday night reception activity.

SUBMISSIONS: Papers, Panels, and Performances. Proposals for papers, panels, or performances should include title(s), no more than a 500 world description, and names and contact information for the presenter(s).
Email proposals to Greg Queen: by February 15, 2013

Good luck to our side,


Cold Hands & Quarter Moon, ‘Stagnant’ at: (live, at the Belle View pub, Bangor, north Wales); and at (new remix, and new video, 2012)  

'Cheerful Sin' – a song by Victor Rikowski:

Posted here by Glenn Rikowski
The Flow of Ideas:
Glenn Rikowski on Facebook at:

Saturday, January 19, 2013

The Pedagogy of the Open Society


The Pedagogy of the Open Society: Knowledge and the Governance of Higher Education
2012 - 142 pages
Michael A. Peters (University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand), Tze-Chang Liu (Graduate Institute of Education, Tunghai University, Taiwan) and David Ondercin (University of Illinois, Champaign, USA).
Sense Publishers
ISBN Paperback: 9789460919657 ($ 19.00)
ISBN Hardcover: 9789460919664 ($ 99.00)

Social processes and policies that foster openness as an overriding value as evidenced in the growth of open source, open access and open education and their convergences that characterize global knowledge communities that transcend borders of the nation-state. Openness seems also to suggest political transparency and the norms of open inquiry, indeed, even democracy itself as both the basis of the logic of inquiry and the dissemination of its results. Openness is a value and philosophy that also offers us a means for transforming our institutions and our practices. This book examines the interface between learning, pedagogy and economy in terms of the potential of open institutions to transform and revitalize education in the name of the public good.


Cold Hands & Quarter Moon, ‘Stagnant’ at: (live, at the Belle View pub, Bangor, north Wales); and at (new remix, and new video, 2012)  

'Cheerful Sin' – a song by Victor Rikowski:

Posted here by Glenn Rikowski
All that is Solid for Glenn Rikowski:
The Flow of Ideas:
Glenn Rikowski on Facebook at:

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Critical Studies in Education - Call for Papers


Please circulate within your networks

An international peer-reviewed journal
3 issues per annum
ISSN 1750-8487 (print)   1750-8495 (online)
Published by Routledge

Critical Studies in Education is one of the few international journals solely devoted to a critical sociology of education. Two questions frame the journal’s critical approach to research: (1) whose interests are served by current social arrangements in education and, (2) from the standpoint of the least advantaged, what can be done about inequitable arrangements? Informed by this approach, articles published in the journal draw on post-structural, feminist, postcolonial and other critical orientations to critique education systems and to identify alternatives for education policy, practice and research.

The journal welcomes submissions of the highest quality and importance, which make original theoretical and/or empirical contributions, and are aimed at moving the field forward. Submissions may be focused on education policy and/or practice (including pedagogy) across formal education contexts (e.g. schooling, vocational and further education, higher education) as well as informal settings (e.g. television, communities, the internet). Submissions typically focus on power relations associated with gender, class (/poverty), ethnicity and the reproduction of disadvantage.

While submissions that meet this general brief are most welcome, we are also seeking papers in line with the following theme:

Increasingly, education is being reduced to what can be measured, often in quantitative terms that do not adequately capture all there is to education and which are then used to compare students, institutions and nations. At the same time, we live in a world that is becoming increasingly complex where these accounting systems do not seem adequate. In this context, how can we create spaces for different imaginations for education? How can we create opportunities for education to be different?

Articles addressing the following topics are especially welcome:
•    How can education researchers contribute to what counts as evidence in contexts of policy and practice?
•    What kind of education research do we need to respond to the pressing issues of our times, such as climate change, terror and financial crises?

Manuscripts can be submitted to Critical Studies in Education online by visiting:

For more information and a sample copy of the journal, please visit our website at:

Professor Trevor Gale | Editor in Chief
Critical Studies in Education Editorial Office


Cold Hands & Quarter Moon, ‘Stagnant’ at: (live, at the Belle View pub, Bangor, north Wales); and at (new remix, and new video, 2012)  

'Cheerful Sin' – a song by Victor Rikowski:

Posted here by Glenn Rikowski
All that is Solid for Glenn Rikowski:
The Flow of Ideas:
Glenn Rikowski on Facebook at:

Saturday, January 12, 2013

The History of the Paris Commune of 1871


 by Prosper-Olivier Lissagaray
 Preface by Eric Hazan
The classic history of the Paris Commune, part of Verso’s highly praised and affordable World History Series.
In 1871, the working class of Paris, incensed by their lack of political power and tired of being exploited, seized control of the capital. This book is the outstanding history of the Commune, the heroic battles fought in its defence, and the bloody massacre that ended the uprising. Its author,LISSAGARAY, was a young journalist who not only saw the events recounted here first-hand, but fought for the Commune on the barricades. He spent the next twenty-five years researching and writing this history, which refutes the slanders levelled at the Communards by the ruling classes and is a vivid and valuable study in urban political revolution, one that retains its power to inspire to this day.
This revised edition includes a foreword by the writer and publisher ERIC HAZAN.
PROSPER-OLIVIER LISSAGARAY (1838–1901) was a socialist, duelist, republican journalist and sometime lover of Eleanor Marx.
“Lissagaray relives the Commune with all the bitterness of a man who could see the tragedy unfold, even as he played his part, dutifully, to the end.”
– PAUL MASON, economics editor of the BBC’s Newsnight and author of WHY IT’S KICKING OFF EVERYWHERE
464 pages       /         $26.95 / £14.99 / $28.50CAN      /      ISBN: 9781844677764
For more information about THE HISTORY OF THE PARIS COMMUNE OF 1871, or to buy this or any other part of the series, visit:
Visit Verso’s website for information on our upcoming events, new reviews and publications and special offers:
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Cold Hands & Quarter Moon, ‘Stagnant’ at: (live, at the Belle View pub, Bangor, north Wales); and at (new remix, and new video, 2012)  

'Cheerful Sin' – a song by Victor Rikowski:

Posted here by Glenn Rikowski
The Flow of Ideas:
All that is Solid for Glenn Rikowski:
Glenn Rikowski on Facebook at:
Glenn Rikowski’s MySpace Blog:
Online Publications at:

'Capital' Against Capitalism



Journal of Australian Political Economy (JAPE)
Issue no 70, Summer 2012/13!current/c1cok

The special issue includes:

- Introduction by Elizabeth Humphrys and Jonathon Collerson (Guest Editors)
- Mike Beggs on zombie Marx and modern economics
- Humphrey McQueen on the ‘massiness’ of capital and David Harvey
- Thomas Barnes Damien Cahill overview recent Australian scholarship on class
- John Pardy looks at class and schooling in Australia
- Marcus Banks provides a Marxist analysis of Workfare
- Elizabeth Humphrys looks at unfree labour in the early Australian colonies and whether the colonies can be considered ‘capitalist’ from inception
- Mike Donaldson writes on socialist strategy, modes of production and social formations in 'Capital’
- Thomas Barnes looks at Marxism and informal labour
- Alan Freeman asks how to integrate financialisation into Marxist accounts of the rate of profit
- Jean Parker looks at neoliberalism through the prism of Marx
- Don Munro looks and land and 'Capital'
- Richard Westra writes on 'Capital' as dialectical economic theory
- Andy Higginbottom looks at ‘structure and essence’ in 'Capital' Vol 1 — extra surplus-value and the states of capitalism


Cold Hands & Quarter Moon, ‘Stagnant’ at: (live, at the Belle View pub, Bangor, north Wales); and at (new remix, and new video, 2012)  

'Cheerful Sin' – a song by Victor Rikowski:

Posted here by Glenn Rikowski
All that is Solid for Glenn Rikowski:
The Flow of Ideas:
Glenn Rikowski on Facebook at:
Glenn Rikowski’s MySpace Blog:

Higher Education As If The World Mattered


A conference to be held on 25 and 26 April 2013 organised by: The Higher Education Research Group (Institute for Education, Community and Society, The University of Edinburgh) in partnership with The Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE)

While higher education is known to enhance people’s life chances, questions remain to be asked about how the goods to be gained from higher education are presently distributed. Despite policies that are meant to increase access to higher education for under-represented sections of society we know that in a highly stratified society and higher education system even widened entry does not guarantee greater social justice in relation to access, for example. Against this backdrop, broad questions that the symposium will address include: To what extent and how do higher education policies and practices make a difference to this world? What are present priorities and how could things be otherwise? To what extent does higher education address community and environmental concerns? To what extent are participants encouraged to make a contribution to the world?

This conference, and a book that will be associated with it, therefore, seek to explore social justice in and through higher education by examining recent policies and practices in relation to six broad strands of higher education: Research and knowledge mobilisation; Curriculum; Pedagogy; Access and participation; Institutional leadership; Quality and educational development. Contributions in each section seek to analyse the assumptions underpinning policy and practice, arrive at judgements about the extent to which the world is seen to matter and offer suggestions on how things could be different from how they are. Running across these six strands are concerns related to internationalisation, funding, and lifelong learning.

Keynote Speakers
Professor Melanie Walker, Free State University, South Africa
Professor Monica McLean, University of Nottingham, UK
Professor Jon Nixon, Senior Research Fellow, Hong Kong Institute of Education (HKIE), and Honorary Professor, University of Sheffield, UK
Professor Ray Land, Durham University, UK

For Keynote speaker abstracts and biographies, click here

Author submissions
All submissions are subject to a blind peer review process. Proposals are invited for Individual Papers. Each paper accepted for individual presentation will be allocated a minimum of 30 minutes for presentation and discussion.

Timetable for submissions
All proposals must be submitted via email to . The deadline for submission is 1 March 2013.

Call for Papers- Format for submissions
To maintain the high quality of papers presented at the conference, and ensure that the review process has access to a sufficient level of detail on paper proposals to take an informed view, submitting authors are asked to provide a short paper for peer review in two parts.
Please note that both parts will be required at the point of first submission, but there will be no subsequent call for fuller papers for accepted abstracts.

• Part 1 Abstract: a 150 word summary of the proposal which will be printed in the published conference programme and also made available at conference on the CD Rom.
• Part 2 Outline: a maximum 1000 word paper (not including references)

Conference Venue
The symposium will take place at Paterson’s Land, Moray House School of Education, Holyrood Road, The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, EH8 8AQ. All rooms are equipped with a screen and laptop.
The School of Education is located in the picturesque Old Town area (off the Royal Mile, or Canongate). It is a 10 minute walk (or three minute taxi ride) from Edinburgh Waverley train station to the School of Education. The City of Edinburgh is easily reachable by train and most airlines (Easyjet and Ryanair offer low-budget flights from several cities in England). Travel from Edinburgh Airport to the City Centre (final stop at Waverly Bridge, right opposite Waverley Station) by Airlink bus service takes approximately 30 minutes (and a single journey costs £3.50) and by taxi the cost is between £18 and £20.

The City of Edinburgh offers many attractions for conference participants considering spending the weekend. It also features a wide range of cafés, bistros and restaurants and a good number of reasonably priced hotels close to the conference venue (e.g., IBIS at Grassmarket, The Jurys Inn on Jeffrey Street, The Travel Lodge on St Mary’s Street, and the highly praised Salisbury Green Hotel, situated on the University’s own premises at Pollock Halls).

Conference Fees and Booking
Fees are £150 (£130 for SRHE members) and include all refreshments during the day on both days (excluding dinner) and the conference programme. Any overnight accommodation is to be organised and paid directly by delegates. Sorry, there are no single day fees.
Employees of the University of Edinburgh may attend free of charge, but must register in order to attend this event, and should e-mail their full name, contact details and any special or dietary requirements to Nicola Manches at

To book your place visit and click on ‘Book now’.

Further Information
If you require any further information or assistance, please contact the Conference Organiser, Francois Smit at
Conference Director: Carolin Kreber, Institute for Education, Community and Society, The University of Edinburgh.


Cold Hands & Quarter Moon, ‘Stagnant’ at: (live, at the Belle View pub, Bangor, north Wales); and at (new remix, and new video, 2012)  

'Cheerful Sin' – a song by Victor Rikowski:

Posted here by Glenn Rikowski
All that is Solid for Glenn Rikowski:
The Flow of Ideas:
Glenn Rikowski on Facebook at:
Glenn Rikowski’s MySpace Blog:
Online Publications at:

Friday, January 11, 2013

The Autonomy of the Political


This booklet brings together four topical essays on the subject of autonomy and the concept of the political in twentieth century political philosophy presented at a conference at the former Jan van Eyck Academie in 2011.

The booklet makes for a very good introduction to a specialised debate with essays by Sara Farris, Dario Gentili, Elettra Stimilli, and Tracy B. Strong. It is presented with a general conceptual introduction by the editors Nathaniel Boyd and Michele Filipinni, and followed by a visual exploration of the concept by Luisa Lorenza Corna who is also responsible for the design of the booklet.

The essays cover a broad range of subjects, from the Italian workerist tradition (with a particular emphasis on Mario Tronti) to Agamben, the Schmitt/Kojève debate, to a philosophical interrogation of the autonomy of the political more generally.

Anyone with a keen interest in this subject will find the booklet a valuable edition, a source of varied thoughts and reflections on the autonomy of the political and its tradition, as well as a critical engagement with its figures and ideas.


Cold Hands & Quarter Moon, ‘Stagnant’ at: (live, at the Belle View pub, Bangor, north Wales); and at (new remix, and new video, 2012)  

'Cheerful Sin' – a song by Victor Rikowski:

Posted here by Glenn Rikowski
All that is Solid for Glenn Rikowski:
The Flow of Ideas:
Glenn Rikowski on Facebook at:

Fifteenth Annual International Conference on Education


Athens Institute for Education and Research-ATINER (
Call for Papers and Participation
15th Annual International Conference Education, 20-23 May 2013, Athens, Greece

The Education Research Unit of the Athens Institute for Education and Research (ATINER) organizes its 15th Annual International Conference Education, 20-23 May 2013, Athens, Greece. For the programs of previous conferences, book publications based on the conference papers and other information, please visit the conference website

The aim of the conference is to bring together scholars and students of education and other related disciplines. You may participate as panel organizer, presenter of one paper, chair a session or observer. Papers (in English) from all areas of education are welcome. Selected papers will be published in a Special Volume of the Conference Proceedings or Edited Books as part of ATINER's education book series. For Books and Proceedings of previous conferences you may visit for table of contents and order forms.
The registration fee is €300 (euro), covering access to all sessions, two lunches, coffee breaks and conference material. Special arrangements will be made with a local luxury hotel for a limited number of rooms at a special conference rate. In addition, a number of social events will be organized: A Greek night of entertainment with dinner, a special one-day cruise in the Greek islands, an archaeological tour of Athens and a one-day visit to Delphi. Details of the social program are available at

Please submit a 300-word abstract by 21 January 2013, by email, to: Dr. Alexander Makedon, Head, Education Research Unit, ATINER & Professor, College of Education, Chicago State University, USA or by regular mail to: ATINER, 8 Valaoritou Street, Kolonaki, 10671 Athens, Greece. Tel. + 30 210 363 4210 Fax: + 30 210 3634-209. Please include: Title of Paper, Full Name (s), Current Position, Institutional Affiliation, an email address and at least 3 keywords that best describe the subject of your submission. Please use the abstract submitting form available at Announcement of the decision is made within 4 weeks after submission, which includes information on registration deadlines and paper submission requirements. If you want to participate without presenting a paper, i.e. chair a session, evaluate papers to be included in the conference proceedings or books, contribute to the editing of a book, or any other contribution, please send an email to Dr. Gregory T. Papanikos (, President, ATINER.

The Athens Institute for Education and Research (ATINER) was established in 1995 as an independent academic association with the mission to become a forum, where academics and researchers - from all over the world - could meet in Athens to exchange ideas on their research and to discuss future developments in their disciplines. Since 1995, ATINER has organized more than 200 international conferences, symposiums and events. It has also published approximately 150 books. Academically, the Institute consists of five Research Divisions and twenty-three Research Units. Each Research Unit organizes an annual conference and undertakes various small and large research projects.

Academics and researchers are more than welcome to become members and contribute to ATINER's objectives. The members of the Institute can undertake a number of academic activities. If you want to become a member, please download the form (membership form). For more information or suggestions, please send an email to:


Cold Hands & Quarter Moon, ‘Stagnant’ at: (live, at the Belle View pub, Bangor, north Wales); and at (new remix, and new video, 2012)  

'Cheerful Sin' – a song by Victor Rikowski:

Posted here by Glenn Rikowski
All that is Solid for Glenn Rikowski:
The Flow of Ideas:
Glenn Rikowski on Facebook at:
Glenn Rikowski’s MySpace Blog:
Online Publications at:

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Left Forum 2013: New Date!


Pace University
June 7 – 9th 2013
New York City

Left Forum has a new date: After almost a decade of spring conferences and growth, Left Forum is moving from spring to early summer, June 7th - 9th. The location remains the same, Pace University, next to City Hall Park, New York City.

Why the date changed: Coming each year during Spring Break weekend, this year's break fell on Easter. The challenges of organizing the conference on Easter Sunday plus the opportunity to accommodate the growth of this unique global convergence helped inspire the move.

Highlights of the move: The new date will enable panels and events to be organized through the spring semester cycle making it easier on panelists and attendees alike. This will make for a richer intellectual and activist conference experience.

What to expect: Please check back at, for updates on the conference theme, plenary speaker announcements, panel and workshop descriptions, panel proposals, early registration and more.

Thank you for joining us
The board, staff and volunteers of Left Forum
Please forward far and wide!


Cold Hands & Quarter Moon, ‘Stagnant’ at: (recording); and (live, at the Belle View pub, Bangor, north Wales); and at (new remix, and new video, 2012)  

'Cheerful Sin' – a song by Victor Rikowski:

Posted here by Glenn Rikowski
All that is Solid for Glenn Rikowski:
The Flow of Ideas:
Glenn Rikowski on Facebook at:
Glenn Rikowski’s MySpace Blog:

Friday, January 4, 2013

Third International Conference on Critical Education


MAY 15-17th 2013
University of Ankara, Turkey

Conference website:

Supporting Institutions

Supporting Journals

Abstract Submission: 1st March 2013
Accepted Papers announced on 15th March 2013

Education Under Siege by Neoliberalism and Neoconservatism

Neoliberal and neoconservative educational politics have significantly been damaging education all over the World. Public education is regarded as old fashioned, private schools and a variety of types of education have been presented as an ideal model, schools and the students are now in a more competitive relationship, public education has been losing its status as a social right as a result of relationships with the market, and the state is rapidly losing its social character in the face of these developments. It leads us to rethink education given problems such as the education becoming less democratic, less secular and losing its scientific character; becoming more conservative and capital oriented and becoming less concerned with- in fact- detrimental to- issues of equality and critique. In rethinking education, the critical education movement takes an important role in creating new horizons and strategies against the global attack of the capital.

The International Conference on Critical Education, which was held in Athens for first meetings, provides a base for the academics, teachers and intellectuals who are interested in the subject to come together in order to overcome obstacles for public education. Therefore, in the age where education is under siege by neoliberalism and neoconservatism, we invite you to the IIIrd International Conference on Critical Education to reflect on the theory and practice of critical education and to contribute to the field.

On behalf of the organising committee,
Professor Dr. Meral UYSAL
University of Ankara, Faculty of Educational Sciences
Department of Life Long Learning and Adult Education


‘Human Herbs’ – a new remix and new video by Cold Hands & Quarter Moon:

Posted here by Glenn Rikowski
All that is Solid for Glenn Rikowski:
The Flow of Ideas:

Glenn Rikowski’s paper, Critical Pedagogy and the Constitution of Capitalist Society has been published at Heathwood Press as a Monthly Guest Article for September 2012, online at:

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Basic Research Journal of Education Research and Review - November 2012 Issue


Basic Research Journal of Education Research and Review
Basic Research Journal of Educational Research and Review (BRJERR) ISSN 2315-6872

I am please to inform you that the November issue of the Basic Research Journal of Educational Research and Review (BRJERR) is out, you can view it at:

Basic Research Journal of Educational Research and Review (BRJERR) is an open access peer review journal that publishes research articles for the expansion of knowledge of this subject.

Kindly support this journal by sending your manuscript to us.

The Basic Research Journal of Educational Research and Review (BRJERR) is a multidisciplinary peer-reviewed journal that will be published monthly by Basic Research Journals
( BRJERR is dedicated to increasing the depth of the subject across disciplines with the ultimate aim of expanding knowledge of the subject.

Editors and Reviewers

BRJER is seeking energetic, qualified and high profile researchers to join its editorial team as editors, subeditors or reviewers. Kindly send your resume to: or

Call for Research Articles

BRJERR cover all areas of the subject as it welcome the submission of manuscripts that meet the general criteria of significance and scientific excellence that will be publish.

•    Original articles in basic and applied research
•    Case studies
•    Critical reviews, surveys, opinions, commentaries and essays

We invite you to submit your manuscript(s) to: or for publication. Our objective is to inform authors of the decision on their manuscript(s) within four weeks of submission. Following acceptance, a paper will normally be published in the next issue. Guide to authors and other details are available on our website.

One key request of researchers across the world is unrestricted access to research publications. Open access gives a worldwide audience larger than that of any subscription-based journal and thus increases the visibility and impact of published works. It also enhances indexing, retrieval power and eliminates the need for permissions to reproduce and distribute content. BRJERR is fully committed to the Open Access Initiative and will provide free access to all articles as soon as they are published.

Best regards
Endurance Omamose
Editorial Assistant,
Basic Research Journal of Educational Research and Review (BRJERR)
E-mail: or


‘Human Herbs’ – a new remix and new video by Cold Hands & Quarter Moon:
‘The Lamb’ by William Blake – set to music by Victor Rikowski:

Posted here by Glenn Rikowski
All that is Solid for Glenn Rikowski: 
The Flow of Ideas:
Glenn Rikowski on Facebook at:
Glenn Rikowski’s MySpace Blog:

Glenn Rikowski’s paper, Critical Pedagogy and the Constitution of Capitalist Society has been published at Heathwood Press as a Monthly Guest Article for September 2012, online at:

Heathwood Press: 

The Rouge Forum Dispatch: 1st January 2013


The Rouge Forum Dispatch is uploaded here:

Please remember The Rouge Forum Conference 2013:
Winning the Class Struggle Against Corporate Education Reform

Call for Proposals
May 16-19, 2012
Wayne State University
Detroit, Michigan

The core issue of our time is the clash of the real promise for perpetual war and booming inequality met by the potential of connecting reason to power with organized mass class conscious resistance in
schools, on the job, in communities, and in the military … and what you do counts!

The Rouge Forum brings together academic presentations and panel discussions, performances, community building, and cultural events. This conference will center on such questions as:
* Overall, what do we need to know and what do we need to do to win against corporate education reform in our classrooms?
* In what ways are our classrooms, schools, universities, unions, etc. occupied by capitalism, the military, racism, inequality? And …
* What do these occupations demand from us pedagogically?
* What are the obstacles that must be overcome to achieve democratic education?
* What can we learn from Wisconsin 2011, the Occupy Movement, and the Chicago Teacher’s Strike to make us smarter and stronger in our struggle against corporate education reform?
* How do we educate to liberate ourselves from the impact of empire?
* How do we push back against the imperializing of our classrooms and communities? How do we occupy our classrooms, schools universities, and unions and communities in an effort to create education that is in the public interests?

Calling on Artists … Pop up radical art gallery would be for artists to submit 2-3 D pieces that they can bring with them to the conference to display as part of an opening or Friday/Saturday night reception activity.

SUBMISSIONS: Papers, Panels, and Performances. Proposals for papers, panels, or performances should include title(s), no more than a 500 world description, and names and contact information for the presenter(s).

Email proposals to Greg Queen: by January 15, 2013

Visit the Rouge Forum Conference homepage at for more details:


‘Human Herbs’ – a remix and video by Cold Hands & Quarter Moon:

Posted here by Glenn Rikowski
The Flow of Ideas:
Glenn Rikowski on Facebook at:

Glenn Rikowski’s paper, Critical Pedagogy and the Constitution of Capitalist Society has been published at Heathwood Press as a Monthly Guest Article for September 2012, online at: