Three Public Lectures by John Holloway
Rage Against the Rule of Money: http://johnhollowayinleeds.files.wordpress.com/2011/10/holloway-leeds-15-11-2010-45.jpg
Three public lectures by John Holloway, Leverhulme Visiting Professor at the MA in Activism and Social Change, School of Geography, University of Leeds: http://www.geog.leeds.ac.uk/study/masters/courses/maasc
Three Public Lectures by John Holloway
Rage Against the Rule of Money: http://johnhollowayinleeds.files.wordpress.com/2011/10/holloway-leeds-15-11-2010-45.jpg
Three public lectures by John Holloway, Leverhulme Visiting Professor at the MA in Activism and Social Change, School of Geography, University of Leeds: http://www.geog.leeds.ac.uk/study/masters/courses/maasc
28th November: Rage
6pm, Business School Western Lecture Theatre. Business School. University of Leeds
29th November: The Rule of Money
6pm, Business School Western Lecture Theatre. Business School. University of Leeds
30th November: Break the Power of Money! Communise!
6pm, The Space Project, 37-38 Mabgate Green Leeds.
Funded by the Leverhulme Trust, Professor John Holloway is spending some time as a visiting professor at the School of Geography, University of Leeds in 2011 and is teaching at the MA in Activism and Social Change:
http://www.geog.leeds.ac.uk/study/masters/courses/maascThe lectures are free and open to the public and there is no need to book.About the venues:Business School Western Lecture Theatre, G01, University of Leeds, LS2 9JT: http://www.teachingspace.leeds.ac.uk/room_details.asp?ID=1-01-087-2570-GR+-G01
Information about how to get to the Business School (LUBS) in a map here: http://business.leeds.ac.uk/fileadmin/webfiles/General/lubs_map.pdf
Space project: http://www.spaceproject.org.uk/, 37-38 Mabgate Green, LS9 7DS. It’s a non commercial space in Leeds facilitated by the Really Open University http://reallyopenuniversity.wordpress.com/.
See a map here: http://pedallers.files.wordpress.com/2010/10/p1030288.jpg.For more information about these lectures contact: s.gonzalez@leeds.ac.uk or 0113 343 6639Source: http://johnhollowayinleeds.wordpress.com/
‘I believe in the afterlife.
It starts tomorrow,
When I go to work’
Cold Hands & Quarter Moon, ‘Human Herbs’ at: http://www.myspace.com/coldhandsmusic (recording) and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2h7tUq0HjIk (live)
‘Maximum levels of boredom
Disguised as maximum fun’
Cold Hands & Quarter Moon, ‘Stagnant’ at: http://www.myspace.com/coldhandsmusic (recording) and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GLjxeHvvhJQ (live, at the Belle View pub, Bangor, north Wales)
'Cheerful Sin' – a new song by Victor Rikowski: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tIbX5aKUjO8
Posted here by Glenn Rikowski
All that is Solid for Glenn Rikowski: http://rikowski.wordpress.com
The Flow of Ideas: http://www.flowideas.co.uk
MySpace Profile: http://www.myspace.com/glennrikowski
The Ockress: http://www.theockress.com
Volumizer: http://glennrikowski.blogspot.com