Saturday, January 18, 2014

Materiality At Work


BSA Work, Employment and Economic Life Study Group
‘It’s not immaterial’ – Materiality at work
The BSA WEEL group is holding a half day seminar/workshop on materiality at work on Friday 24th January 1pm – 5pm.
How does the material environment of work matter? How are working lives and the organisation of the workplace impacted by the spaces, size, weight, smells, sounds and other material characteristics of particular jobs? In what ways do workers physically interact with the material world in order to perform work? How do instruments or tools mediate this interaction? Are interactions with organic materials different from interactions with non-organic materials? To what extent can we understand interactions with technology as material, rather than immaterial?
Generally, what can an understanding of work as material contribute to the sociology of work and employment?
The event will be held in the BSA meeting room, Imperial Wharf, London. Costs to participants £20 BSA Members, £25 Non-members, free unwaged/student.
We are especially keen for attendees who wish to do so to contribute five minute micro-presentations in which they explore the role of materiality in their research. These are *not* expected to be fully developed papers but instead should raise ideas that have come out of research and suggest issues that may be of interest to others.
If you are interested in contributing to the seminar in this way please submit a two sentence (max 50 word) proposal for a five minute overview of how your research relates to the materiality of work to Ben at


Cold Hands & Quarter Moon, ‘Stagnant’ at:  
'Cheerful Sin' – a song by Victor Rikowski:

Posted here by Glenn Rikowski
All that is Solid for Glenn Rikowski:

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