Thursday, May 27, 2010

Middlesex University Philosophy Campaign - Update 26 May 2010


Campaign update Wednesday 26 May 2010 (

1. John Protevi and Todd May have posted a petition calling for an international academic boycott of Middlesex University, Several hundred well-placed people have already signed it, in the space of a few hours. Please spread the word about this, far & wide.

2. The poet Michael Rosen renounced his visiting professor at Middlesex today. He explained that "On account of the action of Middlesex University over the Philosophy Department, I would like to inform Professor Ahmad that I would like to renounce my visiting professorship. I do not wish to be a visiting professor at Middlesex University. Best wishes, Michael Rosen."

3. This morning, professors Osborne and Hallward were denied managerial permission to attend an emergency meeting of their union, the UCU, scheduled for Friday 28 May. They were also denied permission to attend the UCU annual general meeting scheduled for next Wednesday, and a meeting of the University's self-constituted Professors Group.

4. Collective pressure to greylist i.e. boycott Middlesex University is growing rapidly. The external examiners for the Middlesex Philosophy department have already announced their refusal to collaborate with next month's assessment boards, and colleagues in other departments may soon follow suit. A boycott by external examiners will have a significant and immediate impact on the University.

5. Last Friday Middlesex management told the four suspended students that their hearings would take place this Friday 28 May at the Hendon campus. Fiona Fall, who will preside over the hearings, suddenly decided this morning that it would be 'better for the students' to hold the meeting at Trent Park instead, since it is their 'home campus.' The four students explained that they would nonetheless prefer for the hearing to go ahead at Hendon as originally planned. But Fiona Fall has made up her mind. 'As my understanding is that a rally of support is being organised at Hendon,' she told one of the students, 'I have decided that Trent Park continues to be the best most calm place to hold the hearings for both students and the panel.'

6. Confirmed speakers for the rally at Hendon on Thursday 27 May from 4pm include Alex Callinicos (KCL), Richard George (Campaign for Better Transport; Plane Stupid), Paul Gilroy (LSE), Nina Power (Roehampton), Jim Wolfreys (UCU), among others. Please circulate the rally announcement and flyer ( to everyone who might be sympathetic.

The Campaign
26 May 2010.

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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Anarchist Pedagogies


For a book entitled
Anarchist Pedagogies
Editor: Robert Haworth PhD
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse


Anarchist movements have a long history of resisting traditional schooling and authoritative pedagogical practices, while at the same time, attempting to construct transformative educative processes. Examples include Francisco Ferrer’s (1913) work entitled, Origins of the Modern School and the creation of the Escuela Moderna schools in Spain, the Modernist Schools in the United States (Emma Goldman, Voltaraine de Cleyre, Alex Berkman and others) during the early 20th century as well as contemporary anarchists who are experimenting in participatory informal learning spaces. These examples are important to acknowledge within radical notions of teaching and learning being that they are experiences that enable activists and scholars to critically re-imagine education and build theories on “how” and “where” individuals experiment in constructing knowledge through differing learning spaces (Coté, Day & Peuter, 2007; de Leon, 2008, Malott, forthcoming).
Moreover, as totalizing efforts of the nation-state continue to develop standardized curriculum, efficiency models and data driven outcomes, anarchist pedagogies attempt to construct ongoing collective learning environments that can be described as ‘disciplined improvisation’ or ‘spontaneous’ in nature (Goldman, 1969; Haworth, forthcoming; Sawyer, 2003; Ward, 1972). Furthermore, these informal learning spaces create new ways of exposing illegitimate corporate and state power, as well as participating in the ‘coming communities’ (Day, 2007).
This edited book calls on international scholars (15 single authored or collectively authored chapters) in anarchist studies to critically reflect on historical and contemporary experimentations in anarchist pedagogies. Scholarly efforts will focus on what we have learned from past anarchist experiences and current transformative learning environments — where individuals are engaged in collective, participatory, voluntary and mutual efforts that contest global capitalist structures.
The edited collection responds to the need to reflect on anarchist pedagogies and will highlight three major themes. Authors in the first section will be encouraged to focus on historical discussions surrounding anarchism and education. The authors will give introspective critiques of historical practices, including theories of teaching and learning and alternatives to compulsory public schools. Authors in the second section will construct philosophical and theoretical frameworks evolving from contemporary anarchists, particularly through individuals participating in cooperatives, independent media collectives, infoshops, political zines, open source projects, DIY, direct action networks and other autonomous and cultural spaces.
Continued efforts to construct theoretical and philosophical discussions surrounding anarchism have also provided opportunities to build affinities and tensions with frameworks outside of anarchist writings (Cohn, 2007). The third section will encompass anarchist theories of teaching and learning. Authors will be asked to construct linkages and apprehensions to theories surrounding critical pedagogies and critical theory, autonomous Marxism, postmodernity and poststruturalism.

Proposed sections:
Zack de la Rocha
1) Introduction
2) Section 1: Anarchism & Education: Historical experimentations
a. Anarchist perspectives on education
b. Modern Schools; Spain and the United States
c. Pedagogical practices: teacher/student relationship
d. Issues of the state and compulsory education
e. Connection and/or tensions between progressive education and social reconstruction
f. What have we learned?
3) Section 2: Anarchist Pedagogies in the “here and now”
a. Contesting power through multiple fronts: Movements against neoliberalism and learning through collective processes: Infoshops, cooperatives, autonomous spaces, zines, DIY
b. Teaching and learning in non-hierarchical, mutual and voluntary spaces — issues surrounding race, class, gender, LGBT
c. Technology: Issues surrounding the use of technology: open source, listservs, blogs & discussion boards
4) Section 3: Anarchism: Theoretical Frameworks on Teaching & Learning
a. Affinities: Anarchism & Critical pedagogies. Relationship to Postmodernism and Poststructuralism-Postanarchism
b. Informal learning spaces
c. De-schooling
d. Anarchism & the role of the university
e. Pedagogical practices


Anarchist Pedagogies will draw upon and make connection to contemporary anarchist studies literature, particularly in education. The book will be important for scholars in anarchist studies, critical pedagogy, as well as undergraduate students and activists who are interested in building philosophical, theoretical, historical and contemporary discussions and imaginations beyond traditional forms of education.

1) Proposals due by July 20th, 2010
2) Proposal confirmations: August 20th, 2010
3) Chapter drafts due by October 1st, 2010
4) Editor
5) Review of drafts: November, 2010
Editor will produce a comprehensive introductory and single authored chapter in one of the three sections. The forward will be written by an activist/scholar. Final editing and approval of the formatted version will be submitted December 30th, 2010. Publishing date will be set for early fall, 2011.

Process for submitting proposals:
Interested scholars, researchers, educators, activists and others should send to the editor, by July 20th, 2010, the following:
1) Names, positions, mailing addresses, fax and phone numbers, and email addresses of authors;
2) Title of proposed chapter;
3) Description, of no more than 300 words, of chapter, including type of research, approach, context, connection to the book, and other pertinent information;
4) Biographies of authors of no more than 200 words;

Biography of editor:
Robert Haworth is an Associate Professor in Multicultural Education at University of Wisconsin-La Crosse. He currently serves as the director for the Research Center for Cultural Diversity and Community Renewal. He teaches undergraduate and graduate courses surrounding diversity and education, globalization and neoliberalism. He has published multiple peer reviewed book chapters and presented internationally on anarchism and informal learning spaces, as well as critical social studies education. He co-founded Regeneration TV, along with other research collectives that are directly involved in contesting neoliberal policies at the university level. This is Robert Haworth’s first edited book.

Robert Haworth PhD—Associate Professor University of Wisconsin-La Crosse

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Thursday, May 20, 2010

Cold Hands & Quarter Moon - Two New Tracks


Cold Hands & Quarter Moon entered two new tracks on their MySpace site today.

These are ‘Stagnant’ and ‘Slaves & Masters’

You can listed to these new tracks at:

There are various versions of ‘Stagnant’ now available:

Live at the Belle View, Bangor, north Wales:

Session in the basement:

The Cold Hands & Quarter Moon Profile is at:

In addition, you can see ‘Daystar’, (an excellent video and song) by Will Roberts, who also plays in Cold Hands & Quarter Moon, at:

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Friday, May 14, 2010

'The Meaning of David Cameron' - with Richard Seymour


Wednesday, 26 May 2010

Time: 19:00 - 21:00

Location: Housmans Bookshop

Street: 5 Caledonian Road, Kings Cross

Town/City: London, United Kingdom

Richard Seymour, blogger of ‘Lenin’s Tomb’ fame, and author of ‘The Liberal Defence of Murder’ will be in store discussing his latest publication, ‘The Meaning of David Cameron’.

The Tories are posing as a 'progressive' and 'radical' alternative to New Labour. Drawing from George W Bush's 'compassionate conservatism', they maintain that the 'Big Society' can do what 'Big Government' cannot - produce a cohesive, mutually supportive, happy society. Cameron's court intellectual, Philip Blond, maintains that this if David Cameron’, which is a viable alternative to the failures of the egalitarian left and the excessively pro-market right. But is this more than campaign mood music? And are the conservative traditions that they draw on – from the bucolic, pseudo-medievalism of G K Chesterton to the anti-statism of Friedrich Hayek – really a bulwark of progress and radicalism?

Richard Seymour argues that such ideas can only seem 'progressive' in light of New Labour's acquiescence to Thatcherism. To understand the Cameronites, it is necessary to understand how the social landscape and corresponding political language was transformed by the collapse of post-war social democracy and its more radical competitors. To resist the Cameronites, he argues, it is necessary to attack the neoliberal consensus on which all major parties found their programme.

Posted here by Glenn Rikowski
All that is Solid for Glenn Rikowski:

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Policy Futures in Education Volume 8 Number 2 (2010)


Policy Futures in Education

Volume 8 Number 2, 2010
ISSN 1478-2103




Garett Gietzen. Introduction. Challenges and Possibilities for Today’s University

Michael A. Peters. Re-imagining the University in the Global Era

Garett Gietzen. Jean-François Lyotard and the Question of Disciplinary Legitimacy

Stephanie Mackler. From the Positivist to the Hermeneutic University: restoring the place of meaning and liberal learning in higher education

Casey E. George-Jackson. The Cosmopolitan University: the medium toward global citizenship and justice

Rodrigo Britez & Michael A. Peters. Internationalization and the Cosmopolitical University

Daniel Araya. Cultural Democracy: universities in the creative economy


Henry A. Giroux. Challenging the Military-Industrial-Academic Complex after 9/11. Introduction to University in Chains: confronting the military-industrial-academic complex (Paradigm Publishers, 2007)


Eugenie A. Samier. The Evolution of the Modern University: from scholarship to disenchanted economic handmaiden


Michael A. Peters. Economics Trumps Politics; Market Trumps Democracy: the US Supreme Court’s decision on campaign financing


Higher Learning, Greater Good: the private and social benefits of higher education (Walter W. McMahon), reviewed by Jennifer A. Delaney & Patricia Yu

Multiversities, Ideas, and Democracy (George Fallis), reviewed by David J. Ondercin

Now available at:

Access to the full texts of current articles is restricted to those who have a Personal subscription, or those whose institution has a Library subscription. However, all articles become free-to-view 18 months after publication.

PERSONAL SUBSCRIPTION (single user access). Subscription to the 2010 issues (i.e. full access to the articles in Volume 8, Numbers 1-6) is available to individuals at a cost of US$54.00. Personal subscriptions also include automatic free access to ALL PAST ISSUES. If you wish to subscribe you may do so immediately at

LIBRARY SUBSCRIPTION (institution-wide access). If you are working within an institution that maintains a Library, please urge them to purchase a Library subscription so access is provided throughout your institution; full details for libraries can be found at

For all editorial matters, including articles offered for publication, please contact Professor Michael A. Peters (

In the event of problems concerning a subscription, or difficulty in gaining access to the journal articles, please contact the publishers at

Glenn Rikowski and Ruth Rikowski have a number of articles in Policy Futures in Education. These are:

Rikowski, Ruth (2003) Value - the Life Blood of Capitalism: knowledge is the current key, Policy Futures in Education, Vol.1 No.1, pp.160-178:

Rikowski, Glenn (2004) Marx and the Education of the Future, Policy Futures in Education, Vol.2 Nos. 3 & 4, pp.565-577, online at:

Rikowski, Ruth (2006) A Marxist Analysis of the World Trade Organisation's Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights, Policy Futures in Education, Vol.4 No.4:

Rikowski, Ruth (2008) Review Essay: ‘On Marx: An introduction to the revolutionary intellect of Karl Marx’, by Paula Allman, Policy Futures in Education, Vol.6 No.5, pp.653-661:

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Saturday, May 8, 2010

Beyond Resistance: The Commune Summer School


A day of communist discussion and debate

From 11am-6pm on Saturday 19th June
At 96-100 Clifton Street, London EC2

To purchase tickets and download leaflets see

The last few years have seen a series of crises for our rulers. Millions of us are angry at the ongoing economic crisis, the scandalous behaviour of ‘our’ MPs and the endless wars in the Middle East.

All of these crises are part and parcel of capitalist rule, but rarely is this system itself challenged. We are constantly told there is no alternative to capitalism. Every day at work and in our communities we live out the same capitalist order, the same hierarchies, the same alienation.

But the spectre of communism has not gone away. The idea of a society fit for human beings lives on. It is an idea raised every time workers demand the living standards we need, not what our rulers are prepared to give us; whenever we reject the state’s oppression and interference in our lives; and whenever we stand up to sexism, homophobia and anti-immigrant hysteria.

We need to build on these acts of resistance. But that is not enough. Our movement needs ideas. We need a clear vision of a communist alternative to the capitalist order, and how we can make it happen.

That is why The Commune is hosting a summer school on Saturday 19th June to discuss what we should be fighting for and how we should fight for it. Join the debate.

Proposed sessions:
Britain after the general election;
What is capitalism?
Why capitalism is in crisis;
The changed shape of the working class;
Alienation and the critique of everyday life;
How migrant workers fight back;
Tenants’ struggles and community organisation;
Socialist feminist approach to organisation;
Breaking up the UK state;
Communism or representative democracy?
Recomposition of the communist movement.

Full agenda shortlyPlease get in touch at if you have any questions about the event or have special requirements.

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Karl, Marx: A Bibliographic and Political Biography


Frank Thomas Walker (1918-1996) had a lifetime interest in Karl Marx. During his working years he would spend most of his leisure time reading, researching and writing about Marx and he continued with this interest after his retirement. He continued to revise and add to his research until his death.

Living in London until 1976, Frank was a well known visitor in many libraries including the Marx Memorial Library in Clerkenwell where he spent many hours. He also frequented the many second hand bookshops throughout London including the bookstalls in Farringdon Road (now gone) and he was able to build up a large library of books and other materials to aid his research. He engaged the assistance of his family to obtain access to and photocopies of additional materials from library resources around the country and abroad, and he made effective use of his membership of the British Library. He corresponded with like minded individuals in Germany, France and Italy to further his research.

Frank appreciated that he needed to be able to read the literature not only published in English but also that published in French, German and Russian and, like Marx, taught himself these skills. His library of well over 3000 items, contained books, journals, copies of letters, and pamphlets in all these languages and formed the basis for his research materials. His library was split up when sold after his death.

This book was written by Frank over many years and revised by him several times. He never felt it was finished and never looked to publish it during his lifetime. Whilst pertinent personal information is included, the biography concentrates on Marx’s writings, his contemporary radical thinkers and activists, and his influence on the main political events happening in Europe during his lifetime. Some of the information contained within should be familiar to readers already knowledgeable about Marx, but there will also be fresh gems of information and interpretations of events that will add to the knowledge of Marxist scholars everywhere.

The actual manuscript was in the form of typewritten sheets with a large number of hand written amendments and additions and it has taken a long time for a publishable version to be prepared. At last it is complete and all Frank’s research can now be accessed by academics and anyone with an interest in Marx. This work will be welcomed by everyone interested in Marx’s life, work and times and would be a useful addition to many libraries. It has been published as an e-book on CD-ROM, 2009, 410 pages.

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Levellers Association


Call for sponsors of a Levellers Association
We are currently organising the launch of a Levellers Association which would aim to popularise the history and heritage of the Levellers and other radicals in the English Revolution.
It would seek to involve students, researchers and academics with amateur historians, 17th century re-enactors, publishers, artists, battlefield preservation societies, trade unionists, and campaigners who want to deepen our knowledge of the English Revolution.
The project is at an early stage but current sponsors include:
Tony Benn,
Jeremy Corbyn MP,
Geoffrey Robertson QC, author of The Tyrannicide Brief
Jim Holstun, author of Ehud's Dagger
Ann Hughes, Professor of Early Modern History at Keele University
Neil Faulkner, editor of Military Times
Andrew Murray, Director of Communications for Unite the Union
Dr John Gurney, Visiting Fellow Newcastle University
Caryl Churchill, playwright.
Rev. Hammer, songwriter
Dr Rachel Foxley, University of Reading
Philip Baker, Senior Research Officer at the Centre for Metropolitan History
Dr Ariel Hessayon, Goldsmiths, University of London
This letter is being circulated on history, academic, trade union and activists lists in the hope of widening he sponsorship base of the project. Please do let us know if you would like to become a sponsor of the Levellers Association.
We are aiming to hold an initial organising meeting on Saturday 22nd May, at 1pm in Room B104, the School of Oriental and African Studies, Thornhaugh Street, London WC1H 0XG (nearest tube Russell Square). If you would like to attend or if you have any ideas that you would like discussed at the meeting please do let us know.Please respond to this email address:
We hope that people can help us establish a website, newsletter, conferences, education packs, publications, artistic events and so on...but there is absolutely no obligation on individual sponsors to do any of this.
Thanks for taking the time to look at this.
Best wishes
John Rees, Goldsmiths College, Ben Craggs, Goldsmiths College, Tehmeena Bax, Queen Mary College

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Crisis of Capital, Crisis of Theory


A conference sponsored by Routledge

Call for Papers

Crisis of Capital, Crisis of Theory is the first in a series of student-organized conferences on heterodox political economy, seeking to develop new ways of understanding capitalism and power.

The conference, to be held Oct. 29 to 31 at York, will have a dual theme: to investigate the global financial crisis and to use the crisis to probe alternative theoretical frameworks in political economy.Recent events have given political economists plenty to talk about: the bursting of the real estate "bubble", the bailout of Wall Street, the collapse of global exports and more. Not only were most theorists unable to foresee the crisis and adequately explain its particularities and implications, they continue to employ concepts and categories that have long-since been challenged.

The conference organizers believe there is great need for new ideas, concepts and analyses, and welcome both panels and individual papers.

Abstracts of no more than 250 words should be sent to by June 30.



Recent additions and updates to the Bichler & Nitzan Archives:

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Saturday, May 1, 2010

Reflections on Connecting Academia with Progressive Social Change


The Center for Place, Culture and Politics
Ten Year Anniversary Conference

Reflections on Connecting Academia with Progressive Social Change


Professor of Political Science, York University
Editor, The Socialist Register

Professor of Political Science, CUNY
Author of Thinking Past Terror: Islamism and Critical Theory on the Left (W.W. Norton, 2003)

Professor of Sociology, CUNY
Author of Who Can Stop the Drums? Urban Social Movements in Chavez’s Venezuela (Duke University Press, 2010)

Professor of English, University of Minnesota
Author of Secular Devotion: Afro-Latin Music and Imperial Jazz (Verso, 2008)

Professor of Development Studies, UC Berkeley
Author of Disabling Globalization: Places of Power in Post-Apartheid South Africa (University of California Press, 2002)

Professor of Political Science, CUNY
Author of Free Labor: Workfare and the Contested Language of Neoliberalism (University of Chicago Press, 2007)

Professor of Political Science, CUNY
Co-author of Sexuality, Health, and Human Rights (Routledge, 2008)

Professor of Geography, National University of Ireland
Author of Negotiating Colonialism (HGRG, Royal Geographical Society, London, 2003)

Professor of Philosophy, CUNY
Co-founder, US Solidarity Economy Network

Please join us in celebrating a decade of critical inquiry, interdisciplinary scholarship, blood, sweat, and beer.

Wednesday, May 5th, 2010
Panel discussions: 4-5.30 PM & 5.30 – 7 PM
Proshansky Auditorium
CUNY Graduate Center
365 Fifth Ave. @ 34th Street

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