Saturday, October 31, 2009

New York Autonomist Events


Silvia Federici and George Caffentzis on the Politics of OilOn Tuesday NOVEMBER 10th at 6:30PM
Join Silvia Federici and George Caffentzis as they discuss big oil’s cultural and political violence with Peter Maass, contributing editor at The New York Times Magazine and the author of the recently published Crude World: The Violent Twilight of Oil.
The event is moderated by Ashley Dawson, Associate Professor of English, The Graduate Center, CUNY. The event will take place at the Graduate Center, 365 5th Ave btwn 34th and 35th (The Skylight Room, 9100)

Ariel Salleh on Eco-Sufficiency with Silvia FedericiOn Wednesday, November 11th at 7:00PM, ARIEL SALLEH will be presenting on a feminist and ecologically integrated politics of the commons, themes central to her recently edited volume, Eco-Sufficiency & Global Justice: Women Write Political Ecology (Pluto Press, 2009). She will be introduced by and in dialogue with SILVIA FEDERICI. The event takes place at Bluestockings Bookstore (172 Allen Street, NYC 10002).

Posted here by Glenn Rikowski
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Saturday, October 10, 2009

Two London Meetings with John Holloway


1. ANARCHIST BOOKFAIR/MUTE MAGAZINE DISCUSSION, 4-6pm, Saturday 24th October, London

Capitalism’s Present Crisis - How Will It End?

The capitalist system is facing years of crisis and social instability. This raises two questions:
1) What caused the crisis? Was it ‘greedy bankers’, the natural tendencies of the capitalist system, or the resistance of the working class?
2) How will the crisis end? Will it be with more state regulation, more cuts in living standards or with working class revolution?
The London Anarchist Bookfair and Mute Magazine have invited three speakers to debate these issues:

Paul Mason, a presenter on BBC’s Newsnight, and author of Meltdown: The End of the Age of Greed

John Holloway, author of Change The World Without Taking Power and Crack Capitalism (forthcoming).

William Dixon, Mute Magazine contributor.

The discussion will take place at the Skeel Lecture Theatre, Anarchist Bookfair, Queen Mary & Westfield College, Mile End Road, London E1, Mile End tube. For further information on the Anarchist Bookfair, including a roster of many other talks, go to:

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


7-9pm, Monday 26th October, London

At the height of the anti-capitalist movement, John Holloway’s book Change The World without Taking Power provoked an international debate*. Eight years later, after the failure of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, combined with the failure of the capitalist economy, anti-capitalism is back on the agenda. John Holloway will introduce his forthcoming book, Crack Capitalism, followed by a discussion on how we can change the world without repeating the tragedies of twentieth century socialism. Come and join the debate. *To read the debate around the book Change The World Without Taking Power, go to:

VENUE: The Octagon Room*, Queen's Building, Queen Mary & Westfield College, Mile End Road, London E1, Mile End Tube. (The event will be followed by a social at the Half Moon pub, 213-233 Mile End Road, London E1)

*NB There is a small chance that the room in which the event is held may be altered. Check for up to date information closer to the date. Supported by Mute Magazine (mute AT and the Queen Mary & Westfield School of Business and Management

Posted here by Glenn Rikowski
All that is Solid for Glenn Rikowski:
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Housmans – a radical bookseller since 1945

I went to Housmans in Caledonian Road last Wednesday. It’s my favourite bookshop in London. The atmosphere more than anything else grabs me. Of course, I bought some books! I invested in Zones of Proletarian Development by Mastaneh Shah-Shuja (OpenMute, London, 2008) and the classic A Vindication of the Rights of Man by Mary Wollstonecraft.

If my readers come from outside of London and visit the capital, yes, you can visit the British Museum, the London Eye etc., but I would recommend a visit to Housmans too.

The web site for the bookshop is:

Wednesdays at Housmans
On Wednesdays at the bookshop there are free weekly talks and book signings. Check the website for details.

Housmans Bookshop & Stationers, 5 Caledonian Road, King’s Cross, London N1 9DX, tel: 0207 837 4473, email:

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Ruth Rikowski News Updates Progression 32

Ruth Rikowski News Updates Progression 32

Ruth Rikowski’s 332nd News Update is now out. There are many exciting items, but one I am particularly interested in concerns the next MERD seminar.

The Marxism and Education: Renewing Dialogues (MERD) seminars were founded by Glenn Rikowski and Tony Green and were run by them both at the Institute of Education, University of London, from 2002-2007: MERDs I – X.

For more information about these events, see our website –

MERD XII is being convened by Joyce Canaan, Tony Green, my good friend Richard Hatcher and Alpesh Maisuria. It will take place at the University of London Institute of Education on Saturday 21st November 2009. Whilst it is great that this initial impetus is now being built on by Cannan, Green, Hatcher and Maisuria, it is unfortunate (and is historically misleading) that the publicity for MERD XII does not include this basic information about the founders, and where to obtain information about the first ten MERD seminars. As Ruth says: “Hopefully, this anomaly will be rectified in future publicity.”

For details on this item and to view the other items, see:

Posted here by Glenn Rikowski
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Thursday, October 1, 2009

Capital and the Future of Capitalism


King's College London Reading Capital Society September 29th 2009

What are the origins of the current economic crisis? What is the future for capitalism?

Mainstream neo-liberal economics presents us with very few satisfactory answers to these questions. For this reason many people are now looking again at the works of Karl Marx and his critique of capitalism.The Reading Capital Movement is a fortnightly seminar organised by students discussing the main issues & themes raised in Karl Marx’s work Das Kapital.It brings together students from across a range of disciplines and intellectual backgrounds to introduce and debate ideas about the work.The group is open to anyone with an interest in finding out more about Marx's work.So welcome to all those who've just joined us and welcome back to those who were involved last year. We had a very successful launch last January of over 60 people and a group of about 20 of us began reading and discussing throughout the second semester.

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1) Re-launch with Ben Fine:

This year the group is very lucky to be re-launching with a talk by Professor Ben Fine from SOAS (co-author of "Marx's 'Capital'") on:

Why read Capital? Marx in the 21st Century

Tuesday October 13th 2009, 6pm, Room 2.42, F-WB Building, Waterloo Campus, King's College London

All welcome - no matter whether you are simply interested in Marx or have some tough questions about Marxist economics.

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2) Join Reading Capital @ KCLSU:

Also please join the society officially at:

This will enable us to keep booking meetings, getting great speakers and to develop a lending library that will be a fantastic resource for the group.

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3) The Future of Capitalism:

We are very pleased to be able to announce that Reading Capital will be co-hosting a debate on the Future of Capitalism with the KCL Business Club.Martin Wolf (chief economic commentator, Financial Times) will be debating Alex Callinicos (author of 'Revolutionary ideas of Karl Marx' & Professor of European Studies at KCL) about the roots of the current economic crisis and the prospects for capitalism as a whole.

Put the details in your diary now:

The Future of Capitalism
A Public Debate
Alex Callinicos & Martin Wolf
Monday 2nd November, 6:30pm, Great Hall, King's College, London

We will send out more details closer to the event.

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And finally ...

The KCL Reading Capital group was inspired by a Reading Group initiated by the Marxist geographer David Harvey at CUNY (New York) – videos of these seminars can be seen online at:

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