Mike Neary
Cass School of Education and
Communities Seminar
Date: Monday 12 June 2017,
Venue: Room ED2.03, The Cass
School of Education and Communities, University of East London, Stratford
Campus, London E16 4LZ
Convenor: Dr. Rhiannon Firth
Seminar title: Pedagogy of Hate
Seminar speaker: Professor Mike Neary, Professor of Sociology, School of Social and Political Sciences,
Seminar speaker: Professor Mike Neary, Professor of Sociology, School of Social and Political Sciences,
University of Lincoln
The paper recovers the concept of hate as a
critical political category. Not a personal, psychological or pathological hate,
but a radical hate for what capitalist civilisation has become. Radical hate is
set alongside radical love so the dynamic of negative dialectics can be put in
motion. This exposition of radical hate is elaborated through a critical
engagement with the work of Peter McLaren, a significant figure in the field of
critical pedagogy, whose recent work has called for a pedagogy of resurrection
based on the affirmation of holy love, Christian socialism and the life of
historical Jesus. The paper provides studies of how negative dialectics can
move within higher education, as ‘Student as Producer’, the Social Science
Centre, Lincoln and as a co-operative university.
Neary is Professor of Sociology at the University of
Lincoln in the School of Social and Political Sciences.
Neary, Mike (2017) Pedagogy of Hate. Pre-print of article to appear in Policy Futures
in Education: http://eprints.lincoln.ac.uk/26793/3/__network.uni_staff_S2_mneary_Pedagogy%20of%20Hate.pdf
Neary, Mike & Saunders, Gary (2016) Student as
Producer and the Politics of Abolition: making a new form of dissident
institution. Critical Education http://ices.library.ubc.ca/index.php/criticaled/article/view/186127
Posted here by Glenn Rikowski
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