Race, Gender &
Class 2013 Conference
inNew Orleans March 7-9, 2013
Co-sponsored by Race, Gender & Class journal
(Jean Ait Belkhir & Christiane Charlemaine), Center for African and African
American Studies (SUNO), & Sociological Association Race, Gender &
Class Section
The conference is being held at the University of New Orleans
Lodging would be avalaible on the UNO Campus
If you are willing to share a room, contact Christiane Charlemaine
In the subject line please include: RGC Conference, room avail. to share
If you are willing to share a room, contact Christiane Charlemaine
In the subject line please include: RGC Conference, room avail. to share
Conference Registration Fees
Early Bird Registration by January 18, 2013
Student $70; Non-student $180
All presenters have to register by February 15, 2013 in order
to be in the program. No exception!
Late Registration: Student $95; Non-student $205
All attendees and presenters are expected to register
Make Checks Payable to Race, Gender & Class Conference.
Mail to
Sociology Department
Milneburg Hall Room
2000 Lakeshore Drive
Call for Papers and Organizers
Race, Gender & Class and the 2012 Elections
Do progressives have an alternative for America ?
Abstracts (250-300 words) should be sent only electronically
by December 1st, 2012 to Jean Ait Belkhir at rgcso@uno.edu. Presentations at the 2013 RGC Conference
would be selected for publication in the Race, Gender & Class journal.
To volunteer to serve as an RGC conference organizer, please
contact Dr. Jean Ait Belkhir
rgcso@uno.edu, Ph.: (504) 280 1209, Fax: (504) 280 6302
rgcso@uno.edu, Ph.: (504) 280 1209, Fax: (504) 280 6302
We hope to see you at the RGC 2013 conference in New Orleans !
Please forward this page to colleagues you think may be
interested: http://rgc.uno.edu/conference.cfm
Preliminary List of
Presenters / Attendees
Paul Banaheine Adjei, University of Toronto, pbanahene@yahoo.com
Meshia Babers, student, Texas A&M University, chanelle2g@neo.tamu.edu
John C. Berg, Suffolk University, johncberg@verizon.net
Gregg Barak, Eastern Michigan University, gbarak@emich.edu
Damon Bell, alildabadou@yahoo.com
George J. Sefa Dei, OISE University of Toronto, gdei@oise.toronto.ca
Loren Delaney, Oise, University of Toronto, loren.delaney@mail.utoronto.ca
Lisa A. Eargle, Francis Marion University, leargle@fmarion.edu
Ashraf M. Esmail, Dillard University, New Orleans, ashesmail@aol.com
Michael D. Forster, The University of Southern Mississippi, Michael.forster@usm.edu
Barbara Jensen, The University of New Mexico, bjensen@umn.edu
Nikki Jones, University of California Santa Barbara, njones@soc.ucsb@edu
Chelsi King, Alliant International University - Fresno, cking2@alliant.edu
Lena Krone, University of Education at Ludwigsburg, Germany, krone@ph-ludwisburg.de
Komanduri S. Murty, Fort Valley State Univeersity, murtyk@FVSU.EDU
Denise A. Narcisse, Yougstown State University, danarcisse@ysu.edu
Linda Williamson Nelson, The Richard Stockton College of New Jersey, Linda.Nelson@stockton.edu
Martha E. Richmond, Suffolk University, Boston, mrichmond@suffolk.edu
Rosanna Rios-Spicer, New Orleans Social Activist, evariv2011@gmail.com
Shirley Rombough, The University of Texas-Pan American, srombough@utpa.edu
Demetrius Semien, University of Cincinnati, demetriussemien@yahoo.com
David Scott, Student, University of Kansas, dmscott@gmail.com
Meshia Babers, student, Texas A&M University, chanelle2g@neo.tamu.edu
John C. Berg, Suffolk University, johncberg@verizon.net
Gregg Barak, Eastern Michigan University, gbarak@emich.edu
Damon Bell, alildabadou@yahoo.com
George J. Sefa Dei, OISE University of Toronto, gdei@oise.toronto.ca
Loren Delaney, Oise, University of Toronto, loren.delaney@mail.utoronto.ca
Lisa A. Eargle, Francis Marion University, leargle@fmarion.edu
Ashraf M. Esmail, Dillard University, New Orleans, ashesmail@aol.com
Michael D. Forster, The University of Southern Mississippi, Michael.forster@usm.edu
Barbara Jensen, The University of New Mexico, bjensen@umn.edu
Nikki Jones, University of California Santa Barbara, njones@soc.ucsb@edu
Chelsi King, Alliant International University - Fresno, cking2@alliant.edu
Lena Krone, University of Education at Ludwigsburg, Germany, krone@ph-ludwisburg.de
Komanduri S. Murty, Fort Valley State Univeersity, murtyk@FVSU.EDU
Denise A. Narcisse, Yougstown State University, danarcisse@ysu.edu
Linda Williamson Nelson, The Richard Stockton College of New Jersey, Linda.Nelson@stockton.edu
Martha E. Richmond, Suffolk University, Boston, mrichmond@suffolk.edu
Rosanna Rios-Spicer, New Orleans Social Activist, evariv2011@gmail.com
Shirley Rombough, The University of Texas-Pan American, srombough@utpa.edu
Demetrius Semien, University of Cincinnati, demetriussemien@yahoo.com
David Scott, Student, University of Kansas, dmscott@gmail.com
First published in http://www.historicalmaterialism.org/news/distributed/race-gender-class-2013-conference-new-orleans-7-9-march
‘Human Herbs’ – a new remix and new video by Cold
Hands & Quarter Moon: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Au-vyMtfDAs
‘The Lamb’ by William Blake – set to music
by Victor Rikowski: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vw3VloKBvZc
Posted here by Glenn
All that is Solid for Glenn Rikwoski: http://rikowski.wordpress.com
The Flow of Ideas: http://www.flowideas.co.uk
MySpace Profile: http://www.myspace.com/glennrikowski
Glenn Rikowski on Facebook at: http://www.facebook.com/glenn.rikowski
Publications at: http://www.flowideas.co.uk/?page=pub&sub=Online%20Publications%20Glenn%20Rikowski